Guardians of the Night



The Lord of the Light was lifted up and over the cloud, his eyes closed. He was clam and didn’t move at all. He heard a dark laugh and opened his eyes, he was looking into the eyes of The Lord of the Dark and he had a evil smirk on his face. Behind him was his followers, which he called darklings and their name fitted them. Their eyes were filled darkness and fire. Light looked passed them and to his daughter or his creation. She looked scared but it was the look on her face that made him confused. She might’ve been shaking but her face had bravery written all over it.
He shook his head back and forth making her face go from brave to confused. Light faced to his enemy again.
“You might’ve destroyed me, but I shall live on through her,” he said as he pointed to the little girl as she backed up into a dark corner. Dark’s laugh filled the Kingdom.
“Well, isn’t that sweet. But, do not worry, false king, I’ll finish her off as easy as I did with you,” he said with a snicker.
Light felt Dark’s grip loosening and soon enough he was falling. He was now looking up to a snickering face and a young girl's face drenched in her tears. She reached out as her screams filling the heavens.
"Made from flowers and stars, one whose backgrounds are filled with light and the other filled with darkness, shall rise and destroy all darkness."
The Lord of the Dark destroyed the tablet which he had just read and turned to face the weeping girl, who was still leaning over the edge weeping. Dark stomped over to the girl, but before he could reach her, she turned around with maddness and revenge written on her tear soaked face. Before she could even stand she disappeared and the evil scream of the Dark took the place of the sobs of the girl.

Natasha Springfield, a young 10 year old girl, leaped down from one of the huge trees of the forest. She ran and skipped in circles merrily. Finally she fell down on her back and looked up to the clear blue sky. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. It was such a beautiful day and she felt as if she could stay there forever. She opened her eyes and found a girl with bright green eyes right in her face. She screamed and punched the girl in the face as she stood up quickly. She turned around and stood a strong pose, but she quickly relaxed. They stood there, staring at each other. Natasha smiled and walked over to her, rubbing the back of her head nervously.
“Hi, sorry if I hurt you. You just scared me. I'm Natasha, by the way, but you can call my Tasha, if you want.”
The girl just stared at her and rubbed her cheek, finally she spoke and shook hands with Natasha.
“My name is Aurora Nothing,” she said as Natasha stared at her with confusion.
“Yeah, I have no family, never have, so I was given the last name 'Nothing' at my homes.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Aurora,” Natasha said with a smile.
“Right back at ya, but I wanna show you something I found a few years ago and I’ve been wanting to show one of my friends. But I had none till now, assuming that fact you punched me in my face and I didn't do anything you must be considered a friend, ” Aurora said with a smile as she started to led her through the forest. Finally they came to a huge tree, it’s branches stretched across the sky. Aurora took what looked like a handle out of her pocket and placed it firmly onto a marked spot on the tree. When she it looked like the handle was securely in, she opened a secret door. They walked into a dark and vast place. Aurora ran over to what looked like a whole in the tree but about two minutes later a flame started up in it.
Natasha looked around in awe. She felt as if her life was starting over again, and she some how knew that it was going to be better than before.

A few hours of laughing and talking passed by swiftly. The fire was growing dull but that didn’t seem to matter to Natasha and Aurora. They felt as if this was the best day in their life (most likely is for Aurora). As Natasha was in the middle of telling her story, her cell phone rang. She picked it up and a man’s deep voice answered. Her expression quickly changed as her eyes started to burn. She dropped the phone and started to cry. Aurora was confused but she knew something happened. When she reached out to touch her the fire went out. A dark sharp laugh filled the vast tree and it hit them. At once Natasha stopped crying and looked into the dark searching for the source but found nothing. It seemed like they’ve been brain washed and now were getting their memory back. They remembered everything.
All of a sudden the fire was ablaze and the girls were staring into each others faces.
“Did you hear that voice?” asked Aurora.
Natasha nodded, “Did you light the fire?”
Aurora shook her head as something fell. When they went to see what it was, they saw pieces of glass all over the place from a fallen vase.
All great we’ll have to clean this up. Just a wonderful topping to this day. First my grandparents die, then a creepy laughing dude, and then the creepy fire, Natasha thought.
“Your grandparents are dead!” Aurora said as Natasha jumped.
“How did you know about that?” she asked shocked and Aurora’s eyes widened.
“What do you mean, you just said it!”
“No I didn’t! I thought it..,” Natasha paused.
“Do you mean… way!” said Aurora.
“Yes way!”
“There is no such thing of a person who can read minds! I thought you knew that!”
Natasha nodded as she was deep in thought. She thought of something personal trying to see if she would take the bait.
“You're afraid of the dark!” laughed Aurora, “Why you tell me that?”
“I didn’t, I thought of it though,” she answered with a smile.
Aurora quickly stopped laughing and looked serious.
All was silent for sometime after that, which was enough time for Natasha to think about her grandparents. She felt something strange, like all her emotions that she kept hidden were now coming out. When she looked up, she saw Aurora looking at her strangely.
“What?” she said as her eyes started to burn again.
“Your eyes…”
She couldn’t say anything else because Natasha screamed as the fire leaped out of it’s cage. Natasha was now about a foot off the ground as Aurora turned toward her. The air around them was heavy as the energy around Natasha grew. She found all the water from the river coming in and did circles around Natasha with the wind, fire, and some flower’s petals. Aurora stared in awe as she realized that their lives were about to change.
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this whole story is edited now but still not to the best. Just ignore it.
Please don't steal.