Guardians of the Night

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The multicolored lights searched the dance floor when Natasha and Aurora walked through the doors. They were welcomed by the scent of perfumes and colognes. Natasha quickly rocked her hips to the beat of the music and started her way through the crowd. She could not keep the excitement in anymore. They were in the new teen club, The Geisha, and they just couldn’t wait to go inside.
“I’ll be right back, I wanna touch up my make-up.” stated Natasha as she walked away from Aurora to the back of the club where the bathrooms were. When she walked into the huge room, she saw a girl with perfectly curly blonde hair in the mirror adding mascara to her long lashes that surrounded her large blue eyes. When the girl turned and saw her, she gave her a grim smile.
“Hello Tasha,” she said through her teeth as if she couldn’t dare say her name.
Natasha just ignored her and walked up to the mirror and started to play around with her hair.
“I thought this club was great, but I guess I was wrong since you’re here.”
The girl winced and started putting on eye shadow, “Well, I guess I can say the same.”
“Shut up, Emily. No one cares,” said Aurora as she stepped in front of the mirror.
Emily quickly snapped the eye shadow container shut and stomped out of the restroom. But before she reached the door she bumped Aurora as hard as she could. When Aurora turned around to say something, she was gone.
“Damn,” She said to herself as she turned to face Tasha and smiled. “Nice battle”
Aurora smiled as Tasha turned to leave, but before she reached the door, a loud bang filled the club and shook it. Tasha fell landing on her hands and knees. She breathed in deeply before she looked up. She saw Aurora clinging to the sink with a shocked expression.
“Are you…,” Tasha started but another shake shook the ground.
She quickly stood up and ran out the door with Aurora following. When they reached the dance floor, everyone crowded the front door as whispers filled the club.
“How are we supposed to get out?” Aurora said, as she spun around trying to find an exit.
“We’ll go through the back door. We can’t let anyone see.”
She nodded in agreement and followed Tasha to the back of The Geisha.
When they reached the back door, all the cars along the street had alarms that were going off and the once silent night had now turned into a loud one. Tasha scanned the street to see what was going on, but before she could do anything she was struck down. She moaned in pain as objects lifted off the ground and were being turned at the beast. But where was it? Tasha and Aurora looked around to see where it was, but again before they could make out the figure standing in front of them, it struck Tasha. This time she felt as if she would die, since it was now ten times harder. Aurora tried throwing objects in all directions but it seemed to never hit, anything thrown would just fall to the ground.
“It’s strong, prepare yourself Tasha. Tasha?”
“Over here,” moaned Tasha as she tried to stand but would just fall back onto her hands and knees. “I think it did something to my knee.”
Aurora spun around just as she got the shocking vibe that something was behind her. She now faced a foul looking monster that looked like a mix of a gorilla and a lion. She screamed as she pulled a sword out of her amulet in a hurry. She backed up and was about to strike when it attacked her. Rolling down the street, Aurora was covered with scratches.
Natasha stood with a limp as she lifted herself off the ground. She took out two fans colored with red and black. The blade on the end of each fan shimmered in the moonlight as the energy around her became stronger, her eyes now a watery white. She didn’t move as she waited for her prey to attack. Finally it did and, instead of hurting her, it hurt itself. It let out a huge scream as it held its right side. Natasha landed softly on the ground as she took a strong pose. The creature turned toward her with a snarl as it charged at her. When it was about it hit her she moved quickly to the side as her fan caught on fire and stroke the back of the monster with the new fiery blade. He screamed again, making the night seem more deadly. He fell down, face first, onto the cold, hard ground with a loud bang. Natasha closed her fan shut as her watery white eyes began turning back into the normal sparkling brown ones. As she looked around, she realized that Aurora was gone.
“Aurora?” she called out into the night as the car alarms grew louder.
But even through the alarms, she heard a loud moan and ran to the end of the hill. There on the ground was Aurora, her baby blue cocktail dress ripped and dirty. Natasha pulled her onto her shoulder and carried her down the street to her car. She pulled the door open and put Aurora into the front seat. She then got in the car on the other side and started the engine. They pulled away from the curve as the body of the late beast disappeared.
When Natasha pulled up to sidewalk near the woods, it was midnight. She carefully took Aurora’s arm and placed her around her shoulders. Natasha dragged her into the forest and walked for what seemed like miles when, finally, she came up to a huge tree. She reached into her purse carefully, not wanting to let Aurora fall and pulled out what looked like a handle. She placed it gently onto a marked place on the tree then shoved it in. She opened it and inside was what looked like a house. A well lit fire lighted the house and gave it warmth. Natasha placed Aurora on the couch and went into the kitchen for ice. When she came back she saw Aurora touching her head and looked up.
“What happened?” she asked weakly.
“I’ll explain tomorrow, you should go to bed.”
Aurora stood shakily and walked up the narrow steps. She turned around with a sad face then continued to walk the stairs. Natasha fell onto the couch and felt her knee. It has been throbbing for quite some time and it was swollen. She got up again, she walked (more like jumping as she did going through the forest and toward her car) over to the closet and pulled out a brace.
Good thing I got this a few years ago , she thought as she slipped her thin but strong leg into it. And it fits, Natasha added positively
When I lived with her grandparents and was a swimmer, I never thought that one day when I hurt my knee during one of the practices that everything from the past teaches you something or in this case, she continued, gives you something.
She walked back to the couch and laid there for some time until she drifted off to sleep.

The night was cold and silent as a young man of 18 stepped out of the shadows with a black cloak covering his face with shadows. His steps quick and quiet as he paced over to the forest. He walked into it not even stepping on twigs or branches. He walked swiftly over what seemed like miles of dirt and grass. Finally he stopped in front of a huge tree in the middle of the forest. It stretched across the wide sky and it’s flowers that hung from the braches blossomed. He reached out to touch the tree when he heard a twig snap behind. He quickly got behind the tree and waited. Has someone followed him without him knowing? He grabbed his cloak, bracing himself to run, but realized he didn't have to do anything of the sort. It was just a beautiful girl helping a weak and hurt one. Harmless, he thought as they walked over to the stop he was just at. He snarled, he knew better than to judge a person by their looks since the two he was after where made from flowers and stars. He watched intently as the girl opened a secret door and stepped in with the other. His eyes widened with possibilities, but all he did was take out a long thin package and un-wrap it slowly until it revealed a red fan covered with details. About a second later he snapped it shut and walked smoothly over to the door. He stared for a moment and then walked straight through the door.
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Badly Edited. Sorry.
Please don't steal.