Guardians of the Night

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Natasha woke up in a startle. She put her hand on her cheek in response to what had just happened. She awoke to the strangest feeling that someone, or something, kissed her cheek and whispered something into her ear. She stood and when she did, something pushed her back down. Natasha stared into space in shock. What is going on, she thought as she looked around the room.
When she looked around the room for the fifth time she finally saw it, sparkling in the firelight. The red fan was laying on top of a pile of books on the floor next to the front door. Natasha stood and stretched before walking over to the fan and books. She picked it up and she spread it open. She stroke the sharp blade, carefully not wanting to hurt herself again tonight, and she looked intently at the designs on the blood red fan. She smiled, this fan felt so familiar in her hands, as if it had always belonged to her. She snapped it shut. She looked around wondering how it got there and her eyes fell onto the books where a small note was eagerly waiting to be read. She picked this up also and read the scratchy hand writing over and over again,
Dear Natasha,
It is in my pleasure to give you this fan, my dear love, as a present
from the future. Use it to spin colors, for it is only for awhile.

Who was this from? And what does he want with her? Why was he giving her this fan? Is it a he? So many questions were swimming around her head. She walked over to the couch, her cold bare feet touching the cold hard floor.
She slumped into the couch wondering what is going to happen, either tonight or in the mare future. She laid down on the couch again and stared at the rough wood ceiling. She closed her eyes taking deep breaths as she remembered the day when she met Aurora. She smiled, it was the best and worst day of her life, and she will never forget it. As she was going through her memories and whisper made her bolt up straight.
“Who’s there?”
She stood up and looked around, holding her hold two old fans and the new one close. She walked over to Aurora’s room’s door. She put the three fans down and opened it a crack to find her sleeping peacefully. She closed it and put her head on the door, not removing her hand from the knob. She thought of the whisper again, “Did you like your present?” She shivered and turned around to come face to face with a black mass of dust. She screamed and stuck her hands through it. It looked down then up at her face. She closed her eyes as it reached out for her cheek. She excepted to for dust but instead she felt a cold hand. She opened her eyes in a flash and found herself staring at a man hooded by a cape. He was about 6 feet tall and some of his jet black hair was showing, sticking out from underneath the black material. She moved closer to the wall as he took his hand away. When he reached into his cape, Natasha tried to take action, but sadly she couldn’t work the fire. She screamed when he took out a beautiful sliver knife.
Then she felt a weird feeling and realized she had triggered herself. She grinned as did the hooded man. Even if the smile was perfect, it scared her. Why was he smiling?! She got control of the fire quickly and shot it at him, but it just went through him. Before she could attack again she felt him grip her wrist and pulled her down. But, he did it to fast that she ended up landing into his arms. She closed her eyes tight as a tear fell down her cheek. She was done for, and it was so easy for him.
She waited and waited but nothing happen. She then heard a snap and she looked over her shoulder to see a tracker in his hands. He let go of her and she ran backwards, pushing him forward. He smiled at her as she grabbed the new fan. His smile grew when he saw it and then walked over to the couch. He sat down and looked over to Natasha and then patted the empty place next to him.
Natasha took a step forward and then took one back. She knew she shouldn’t talk to him, but she had a feeling he could tell her something important. She walked slowly forward carrying her three fans with her. She stuck the red one in her belt and put the other two on the table.
She sat down cautiously next down to the man. He leaned back and looked at her, a grin reappearing on his face. She frowned and quickly ripped the hood back. When she looked at him, her eyes widened and she got the urge to go fix herself up. He had the jet black hair, in what everybody was calling a surfer boy cut, the way she pictured it and he had striking blue eyes that seemed to make you go crazy. He smiled again.
“You're quick,” his words echoing in her head, “But not as quick as me.”
As he whispered this all the fire in the fireplace (sparks, embers, etc.) turned blue and black.
(mental) “Just to be on the safe side. It might look like I can’t be affected by it but making it go through me isn’t as easy as it seems.”
She looked at the fireplace, and she felt her heart stop. Then she turned back to the man.
“What’s your name and what do you want?”
(mental) “My name has no importance, but you, however, do. I want to protect you against something that wants your blood and body delivered to him.”
“And why do you want to protect me, and not destroy me?” she asked inching away from him.
“So many questions for such a beautiful girl as yourself,” he whispered in her mind.
She blushed. She couldn’t help it, he was so handsome and hearing him say she was beautiful was like heaven.
“Answer it!” she snapped with impatience
The man look down at her and rubbed her cheek, (mental) “All in good time.”
With that he stood and walked over to the door. But, before he could reach the handle, Natasha stopped him and turned him around so she could slam his back to the door.
“You think I’m going to let you leave! You barely told me anything! Actually you told me nothing, you only said this stuff telepathically!” she snapped.
“Well, I’m talking now,” he said, his voice thick and warm, she wished she could hear it forever. She felt his arms wrap around her waist and then he pulled her close. His breath as warm as his voice.
“Well can you at least tell me your name before you leave?” She said trying to distract him from leaving.
He smiled, “My name is Michael,” he moved to the side and he bowed. “And it is my honor to be here with the daughter of Lord Light.”
Natasha was now utterly confused but before she could ask anymore questions Michael opened the door and walked out, leaving her in her state. Right when the door slammed behind him, the fire turned normal again and the she felt less stressed and more relaxed. She sat down on the couch, her head in her hands. She had no idea what just happened and how she was going to explain all this to Aurora. She grabbed a pillow before resting herself down on the couch. What am I going to do, she thought as her heavy eye lids closed. Right before she drifted off to sleep she heard the warm voice whisper,
(mental) “Good night.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Mental Conversation, will put "(mental)" in front of dialogue if tag doesn't state it.
Badly edited. Sorry
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