Where is my Weretiger?

Boy Oh Boy!

I sat at the island counter stirring my tea with the tip of my finger absent mindedly. I still had yet to take off my tigers collar I was to afraid of what might happen. He had taken to glaring at me whenever I entered a room. It was very strange he seemed so at home in my house that we didn’t even bother keeping him in his cage. He didn’t frighten anyone and he showed no intentions of hurting anyone except me with his looks.

If looks could kill I would be afraid for my life. But sucks to be him because they don’t. Oliver also hadn’t stopped asking me to tell him what had happened with “the naked kid in the woods”. He still doesn’t understand that I just want to forget it and not talk about it. I sighed and placed my head on my arms and willed myself to forget all about it and sleep. Yeah I know why will yourself to sleep on the counter? Let me just remind you I just had a very traumatic experience and have not recovered quite yet.

I opened my eyes to the tap tap tap tap of claws on the kitchen tile and looked across the room to my tiger that was looking at me with the most pleading look, I thought I might melt. I slid off my stool to the cool floor and felt it drain away some of my anxieties. He approached me with caution I don’t know he knew quite what to think of me.

He pat his head in my lap and lay down, wow this seems familiar. I began to pet him and every trace of stress disappears from my body and I relaxed. My finger began to trace the edges of his collar till I just slipped my fingers to the buckle and took it off of him. To my surprise and also to my relief my tiger stayed a tiger. I began to think that it had all just been a dream. My tiger heaved himself up off the floor and gripped my wrist lightly between his teeth. He drug my up the stairs though my room and into my bathroom.

There he had me face the door. I was to content to do anything but just stand there and play along with whatever my tiger was doing. I felt a warm wind whip behind my and the smell of spring and earth filled the air. I shut my eyes if this was really happening I didn’t want to know. “My” I heard that voice again. NO!! It was a dream! Is this still a dream? I screamed inside my head but if it is a dream I decided I might as well take advantage of it.

I turned around and gasped. It was the same man from before, this time he had the decency to cover himself with a towel, but his eyes seemed to trap me even more then before. They where beautiful with long thick eyelashes surrounding them, he was beautiful.


He repeated pointing at me. I shook my head and pointed at myself “Penelope” He smiled broadly, his smile had me mesmerized. This time when he spoke and pointed at me he said my name correctly. I smiled back and clapped.

That’s when things started to happen. He tried to clap, but seeing as how clapping requires two hands he let go of his towel and I got look number two. I mentally slapped myself for starring and started to blush. He on the other hand was not self conscious at all he just continued to try getting the clapping thing down. I was so flustered my only thoughts where to keep from staring and to get the towel back on him.

The towel was at his feet I gestured t o it and mimed him giving it to me, but he just didn’t get it. So I not thinking or trying not to crouched down to get it. There was puddle of water there from my shower earlier, my foot slid in it and I ended up on my knees and grabbed his calf for support my other hand gripped the towel and was on his abs (Also for support ;) Ok a fun fact in here Oliver has the greatest timing in the world, NOT! He chose this moment to walk in to the bathroom looking for me, well Oli YOU FOUND ME!

“Penelope have you seen my lap……….O.o

He looked up from what he was holding. Let me tell you this looked bad really bad.

“Sorry err for interrupting Ill just go keep looking for my laptop myself and umm let you two get back to it.”

He said and strode from the room.

Damn it Oli it’s not what you think

I called after him in my mind and then sighed. I shoved the towel into Tiger’s hands and told him in a no nonsense voice

“Put that on now before you make us look a fool anymore then we already do!”

He did as I said I don’t know if its because he understood what I said or if he comprehended just what it looked like we where doing in there. To clear a couple of things up I drew you this picture so you know what It looked like to Oli, God I’m never going to live this one down! Ughhhhhh!