Where is my Weretiger?

Abstract Morning

I woke up to shuffling, a bang, and what sounded like muttered curses. I groggily raised my eyes to Mr. Tiger who in the semi darkness was stumbling around trying to put on the cloths I had brought for him.

To see what was going on better I reached over and clicked on the bedside lamp and couldn’t resist the smile that spread over my face at the sight.

He still had the towel on but he had shed the lump grey blanket. He had put the boxers on his head while his feet where in the shirt holes; it looked like he had hiked it up as far as it would go.

One arm was stuck in the pants, the belt was strapped across his chest, and he had put the socks on his hand while he actually got one foot in a shoe while shoe was thrown across the room.

I brought my hand to my mouth to mute my chuckle.

He was still mumbling under his breath in some other language but he had looked up when I turned on the light. His eyes seemed to glow with an inner flame as he looked at me still mumbling away.

I shook my head at his abstract assemblage of the clothing. I pushed the blanket off of me a slid off the bed. I walked over to him and gently pushed him down again.

First I took the boxers off his head and sat them in a pile followed by all the other cloths; the towel remained, however.

I felt like I was dressing a three year old. I had him step into the boxers and pull them up. That took a lot of time seeing as how I was being extra carful that my eyes would not be subject to another little look-see.

We got the pants (which I had to zip and button, oh dear lord I think I shall faint!) shirt, socks and shoes on him. All that was really left was the belt. I picked it up and walked toward him; I could feel my cheeks heat up and just knew that I was blushing.

I undid the towel and began to put on the belt.

I threaded the first loop and continued all the way around my face erupting in complete embarrassment when my hand on accidently grazed his butt which in jeans looked very, very good, not that I was looking at it ‘that much’ mind you.

I buckled it and smiled glad my chore was done, kinda. I looked into his eyes and smiled.
There was a lot of gold and green in his hazel eyes that I had never noticed before.

I got a little caught up in them. He was leaning in toward me. His gaze was hypnotic and I couldn’t look away as a deep thrumming sound began deep inside his chest like a purr.

It stopped and he brushed a strand of hair out of my face and whispered something in that other language.
His warm breath flowed all around me enticingly and I wanted nothing more than to taste his soft looking lips, to feel if they where as smooth and delectable as they looked.

He came even closer pressing our bodies together and I felt little sparks of electricity play on my skin and the warmth from all the places our bodies touched.

It had me at a loss fore breath and cursing that I just put all those cloths on him. This would be much more interesting if they weren’t there….

I’m sure it would

I wasn’t sure if that was my thought or not but I was to lost in my Mr. Tigers beautiful eyes to care or even notice. Then the most brilliant thing in the world happened.


Nothing happened we just stayed looking into one another’s eyes. If anyone saw us they would think we where made of stone we where so still.

My alarm clock went off and I smiled as one of my favorite songs came on.

“Sittin' in the mornin' sun
I'll be sittin' when the evenin' come
Watching the ships roll in
And then I watch 'em roll away again, yeah
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
I left my home in Georgia
Headed for the 'Frisco bay
'Cause I've had nothing to live for
And look like nothin's gonna come my way
So I'm just gonna sit on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
Look like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll remain the same, yes
Sittin' here resting my bones
And this loneliness won't leave me alone
It's two thousand miles I roamed
Just to make this dock my home
Now, I'm just gonna sit at the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Oooo-wee, sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
(whistle) “

I backed away from him still smiling. I didn’t know why but the encounter wasn’t awkward but a moment that I knew I could always treasure.

“I have to get ready for school you stay there ok?”

He nodded and sat down. I think he’s beginning to know what the word stay means. Awwww the first command any trainer teaches their animal, that’s kinda messed up but he still is my tiger after all.

I walked into my closet and got some cloths before I hit the shower. I was just lathering the soap in my hair when I thought of something. I couldn’t leave him alone he would wreck the house and my parents wouldn’t know what to think of a boy wandering aimlessly around the house.

The water ran down into my eyes full of soap and I swore. I would have done any sailor proud.

I rinsed the soar out of my eye and contemplated what to do with Mr. Tiger.

I could leave him home alone or I could take him to school with me and sign him up for classes. Tell mom and dad hes an exchange student or something like that.

I stepped out of the shower and sighed I didn’t really have much of a choice and this was a logical and good excuse for why he couldn’t speak English and also why he would be at our house. But would mom and dad notice that my tiger was missing.

I got dressed and decided that I would cross that bridge when I came to it but for now I have to get to school and sign my tiger up for classes all of witch I’m going to have to be in else whys he’d be alone and surrounded by hormonal teenage girls that would chase after ‘the new hot boy’.

I made a face at myself in the mirror and made a squeaky sound in imitation of them while sticking out my boobs and butt and sucking it in as much as I could. Then I tried to walk like that while shaking my butt and looking in the mirror.

Damn looking good sis

I know right!!!!!!!!

I thought in my mind as shrilly and girly girly as possible before erupting into fake giggles.
Then my own laugh sounded though and I had to clutch my stomach to keep from laughing too hard.

I flicked a fake tear of my face and walked out of the bathroom wearing jeans, a green and black polka dotted top, and my Etnies.

We are going to have company in the car


Mr. Tiger

Oh right the rapist/magical man-tiger, Joy

Stop being sarcastic

Oh cry a river build a bridge and get over it

That is such a lame comeback

Your such a lame comeback

Brother I have to tell you that one was even worse, you need help lots and lots of it in fact I think that you need so much help that not even our rich father could afford the kind of treatment you need.


Got nothing to say to that now do you


Yeah, yeah I get it, I hurt your feelings. I’m sorry


Fine Oliver ignore me see if I care


Ugh stupid PMSing brothers

I heard that!!!!

Do you need I Mytol Oli I have one in my bag if you do. And also I thought you where giving me the cold shoulder.

Oh right, forgot about that. Ignoring recommences………….. NOW

I shook my head and walked back into my room to grab my bag and my Mr. Tiger.

“Come on, lets go.” I beckoned him and he followed me out the door and to the garage where we met up with Oliver who just stared at Mr. Tiger in disbelief, I’m not sure why though.

“Oliver are you all right”

He just kept on, staring.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mr. Tiger got skill!