Where is my Weretiger?

All Mine

Nakashi’s POV
I stretched contented and tried to pull closer to me the body I knew was there.
But… it wasn’t. I sat up straight and looked around wide awake and alert.
Penelope was gone. She is mine, but she is not here. I felt lost.
She was here when I fell asleep, where could she have gone?
Then I hit myself in the face and quickly stripped off the ‘cloths’ she had given me and set them down on the bed.
I held my breath and thought of how it felt to be a tiger; wild, fearless, uncontrollable, and powerful. Then I was all that. I had transformed.
I went to a pile of her ‘cloths’ god I hate cloths, why did she have to wear them? she’d look so much better with out them.
Don’t get me wrong my people have ‘cloths’ too but there just not so solid and heavy as the ones here.
I got her scent and was suddenly a lot more appreciative of cloths.
I followed the smell of her; she smelt like apples and mangos. It was an odd scent but I loved it.
The trail did not lead very far, just to a door down the hall about which hung a scent that was part hers and part the boy who looked so much like Pen.
His scent smelled different then hers but at the same time it was almost identical.
I growled wondering why she was with anyone that wasn’t me.
I pushed the door forward. I prowled into the room and found them asleep on the floor in each others arms surrounded by pillows and blankets.
There was also a type of half eaten cake laying haphazardly on one of the pillows.
I looked at her and studied her sleeping face thinking about how beautiful she was.
But anger rolled through me at the fact that her head her delicate head with its crown of silver hair was lying on the chest of some boy.
I growled low and menacingly in the back of my throat before climbing over them carful not to step on either of them lest they wake.
Using my head as leverage I stuck my head down between them and rolled her a good distance away.
She didn’t even stir but just continued to sleep peacefully. In my mind I smiled pleased with myself.
I started to walk over to her and while I did I was carful to step all over the boy who looked like her but wasn’t.
He grunted and wheezed when I stepped on him but he didn’t wake.
I wondered how either of them could sleep through this.
I laid down next to Penelope stretching my long furry body out beside her. Her hand clutched my fur.
“Nakashi…. My……. Tiger…….”
She whispered in her sleep. I started to purr and nestled in closer to her. I closed my eyes and thought.
I thought about how my mother had wanted me to choose a mate.
Though I didn’t quite know what a mate was I did know that you where supposed to want to spend forever with them and in this girl of silver eyes and hair I knew I had found that.
Im sure your wondering why I don’t know what a mate is or what your supposed to do with one but I must explain to you among my people I am young.
Very young in fact Im barely out of being classified a child.
Though in human years Im almost two hundred years old Im little more then a preteen.
But my mother always promised me that when I found the one I wanted to be my mate that she would explain everything to me.
I think Ive found her. I know I want her in strange ways that I don’t understand and also in ways that I do.
I just wish I knew how to go about making her my mate and how to tell my mother that I had finally found one.
She would be so proud of me, after all Ive been searching for one for one hundred and thirteen years. Now Ive found her.
I looked her sleeping form over possessively, thinking mine, mine, mine, she’s mine, all mine, mine. Not letting the thought that she belonged to me I reached out and pressed my face into the crook of her neck.
When I brought my head away there was a small silver dot. She murmured my name in her sleep again. I watched as the small dot on her neck ran a little. For some reason I smiled I liked that I liked that very much indeed.
I let myself drift off just staring at her. Mine.
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So if you comment I post like ten times as fast I wonder how fast I would post if someone made me a banner? :D lol Hint HInt