Where is my Weretiger?

Double Marked

They may have understood but I didn’t and I was mas confused!
‘Okay’ I let my sentence draw out as I glanced between the two of them.
Hmmmm I seem to do that a lot, look between two things repetitively and still not know what’s going on. God it sucks being me sometimes.
Why did Oliver get the brains in this operation!
Cause Im just that amazing, by the way I wish you luck with the boys and I stress the pluralness of that but I have a date!
You have a date? Your leaving me with these two?
Yeah they seem to be getting along so yeah! Ill see you sis!
Fine love you now go on your date with a seventeen year old twenty-five year old and leave me alone all by myself.
Sis I hate to brake it to you but you are far from being ALL BY YOUR SELF!
I hate you
I love you too sis
Grrrrrrr stupid boys even the one that shares my mind is an idiot!
While Id been conversing with my brother in my head Mickey and Tiger had been talking when I looked over at them and they noticed me looking they looked a little guilty.
Just what I need two really hot boys looking like rats with cheese on their whiskers, smug and guilty at the same time! Fantastic.
“We have to go.” Said Mickey.
“Right our date, okay then lets go.”
“Not our date lass.”
I looked at him puzzled “Then where are we going”
Nakashi saved Mickey when he looked down at his feet and didn’t answer.
“Pen we all have to go to my home”
I laughed, I cant believe I laughed but after all this time, this whole week god it feels longer, I thought that he thought of this as his home. I thought my home was his.
“But we already are home.”
He looked me in the eye “I mean to where I come from, you have to go before the council.”
“Whats the council and why?”
I just didn’t understand so finally Mickey took pitty on me.
“Lass you’re a forest spirit, the physical manifestation of one anyway, and you have also been marked…”
“Marked? What is this marked shit!”
I burst out.
“Im not really sure” Nakashi muttered.
“What” I turned my gaze back on him.
Mickey spoke instead so I turned my head back to face him. “Prince Nakashi is to young to know what he did exactly but he marked ye, let me finish” He said the last part when I opened my mouth to protest once again that I wanted to know what being marked was. “Penelope to be marked is this, the markings on yer neck pretty much mean that ye belong to the Prince, you are his.”
“I am not his!”
I hissed.
He shook his head “But ye are that mark started out as a tiny dot and every time ye did something to prove yer devotion to him it spread, simple as all that but the strange thing is that as a forest spirit this shouldn’t have happened to ye.”
I tried to cool the angry turmoil that was comandering my brain.
“What do you mean that he is to young to know what he did, just how old is he?”
Mickey looked a Tiger as if asking permission, Tiger nodded and Mickey turned back to me.
“Prince Nakashi is eight hundred and thirty two years old in human years but to our race he is eighteen give or take, this is the year he would have learned what it is to mark another creature he would have also learned what a mate is.”
“So your saying that he dosnt know what a mate is?”
I asked my voice trembling, ‘Prince’ stupid hung his head.
“Well he gets the gist of it now I explained a wee bit.”
“Oh fantastic and in your culture what exactly is a mate?!”
I asked with venom, Mickey looked slightly taken aback.
“Well it means much the same as what is in yer human dictionary, but prospective mates are marked (Which you are) and then pretty much there is a draw so strong ye end up……” he stopped and blushed.
He grunted and continued “Ye end up having a child and that child will be among the strongest of all the clans, most mates stay together for life.”
At this point Nakashi paced out of the room his cheeks flaming I walked over to my bed and collapsed on it. Shit.
My mind was numb, Id been marked, so strange.
Mickey approached me and kneeled down in front of me. I looked into his eyes not knowing what to do.
He brought his hand to my cheek. Then still looking into my eyes he brushed away a tear with his thumb and rubbed my temple, it felt good and soothing.
I closed my eyes as he left his hand trail down my neck, the opposite side from Tiger’s mark.
I felt a warmth spread from his fingertips and I pushed him away frightened.
He looked at me hurt as I raced to my mirror.
I looked at my neck, the side he had been stroking and gasped. Even though I guessed it would be there when I felt the burn. Feel the burn love the burn I thought grimly to myself.
There on the side of my neck opposite the silver marks where green ones. Mickey’s mark and Tiger’s mark glared back at me from the mirror image of my pale skin.
“Mickey look” I called to him and he came up behind me and gasped.
“Prince Nakashi!!!!” Mickey yelled.
Tiger darted in, where had he been.
Mickey explained things to him while I stared in disbelief at myself no longer recognizing me. Forest spirit marked by two people, holy shit!
When Mickey stopped explaining it was deathly silent. Nakashi came up behind me. “We have to go now” His arm snaked around my waist, he kissed the top of my head and glanced back at Mickey and said something that I was in to much of a daze to understand.
Then everything around me faded and the last glimpse of my room I had was the reflection of it behind me in the mirror.
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