Where is my Weretiger?

Blood Thirsty

In the corner of my room was a gold and silver gilded cage, wrapped about in precious stones and wrought with strange symbols. It stood, basking in the warm light that filtered through the high arching windows of my bedroom, making it appear even more fantastic.

But the cage, though impressive as it was, was not the object of my attention. No, what drew my eye was the massive beast that lay curled up asleep pressed tightly against the bars on the far side of the cage, like it was afraid. The white and black pelt shimmered gold in the light, rippling as the creature breathed in and out evenly, deeply asleep, twitching now and then as it was troubled by its dream, maybe that is what had it cowering in fear, curled thickly in on itself.

I could not truly admire my tiger as it was curled up so tightly, its head tucked in under great paws and its long elegant tail wrapped closely around its body.

My hand of its own accord reached out into the air wanting to stroke the fur that seemed so silky to see if it really would feel like living satin under my fingertips. My feet began to move swiftly across the room also out of my control wanting to bring me closer to the being of my childhood fantasies that still rang with a true desire.

I came to the edge of the gold bars not satisfied with the proximity, I wanted to be closer as the sleeping figure that drew me like a moth to the flame and very like that analogy I must be carful not to sear my wings when dealing with my wild one. My tiger twitched again in its sleep and I had the strange urge to go and comfort it.

I searched around the circular cage till I found the door in the lock was a great brass key, an old fashioned on with a big handle.
I turned it in the lock eagerly wanting to be with my tiger.

Before my common sense could catch up to my striding feet I was across the cage and crouched beside it. My breath caught in my throat when I dared reach out my hand to lightly caress my tiger’s fur. It was even more than I could ever have imagined.

The second my fingers made contact with the smooth hairs of its shoulder pictures sounds and smells invaded my senses leaving them teased and tortured from the rush of information that my brain seemed unable to process.

I felt and heard padded footfalls on wet earth. Colors I could not name burst like fireworks behind closed lids. Insignificant noises where sharp and clear, the rustle of an electric blue butterfly’s wings as it brushed through the humid jungle air. The flash of eyes both of watercolor blue and a murky brown, then finally the feeling of terror as my eyes fluttered shut of their own accord….

My eyes flew back open and there was my world, my room, and best of all I had full control of everything I did and there was no sudden changes in my vision or feelings, but there was also my tiger who was now looking up at me wide awake with an almost quizzical look on his great expressive face and a raw intelligence in his lipid blue eyes that almost scared me. Not so much however that I could bring myself to keep from bending down till I was brow to brow with him looking into those ocean deep eyes that seemed so… human. The rather more intelligent side of me , which Ill admit was probably the more Oliver side of me kicking in since he has always been the more sensible of the two of us, was presently yelling at the stupid ,me, part.

You’re in a cage with a wild blood thirsty tiger and you just put your forehead to said blood thirsty tiger’s, WHAT ARE YOU ON!

I ignored the smart part of me just like any stupid person would and continued to gaze deeply at my tiger. My tiger I love the way that sounds.

You would

Is that you Oliver?

Of course I am the smart part of you after all

You heard that?

No duh I am all knowing

Only because you’re in my head now shut up you’re ruining my moment

Yeah who wouldn’t want their moment with the blood thirsty tiger ruined?

Get out!!!

Ok, ok I’m going


So I returned to my tiger and gently stroked him behind his ears. A feral thrumming sound issued deep from within his body like a purr. His eyes slowly glassed over as I petted him after a while he fell asleep his head in my lap, I kissed the great furred head and then I too fell asleep.

Oliver walked into my room to find us like this me draped over a tiger and its head in my lap. He simply shook his head and turned off the lights, he wasn’t worried about me animals had always liked me, and left us alone. Yeah he left me alone asleep and defenseless with ‘the blood thirsty tiger’ what a great wonderful protective brother he is, right?