Where is my Weretiger?

My Girl

Unknown *cough* were tiger *cough’s* POV

My sleep was like being at the bottom of a well. Slick stone walls that dripped with slime and mildew absolutely impossible to climb no matter what you do. I tried and tried but it could not be helped I was stuck in this pit. I was all alone in this darkness and my shape was flickering from tiger to human so quickly that even if there was a way out my form would have prevented me from getting anywhere at all.

I sat in a solemn silence wondering where I was exactly and what was happening to me. I recalled everything that had happened to me when suddenly my mind felt a presence and my body a feather light stroke, it was warm and wonderful. My memories began to file quickly through my mind to the very end and then my surroundings started to quiver and break apart light shinning from the warm trail that the touch had left along my spine. It was like a star dying before my eyes a great flash of brilliance and then darkness but I was still blinded by the light. It pulsed around me till the spots in my vision began to clear leaving only the most exquisite creature these eyes had ever set upon before.

The pale beauty in front of me was very much human but she did not seem afraid of me. In fact she stared directly into my eyes with her own intense ones, in their own way they where as hypnotic as Kira’s but they where even more beautiful. I was very confused this girl puzzled me on one hand I was cautious, after all the last person to sit beside me like this looking into my eyes had then tricked and sold me but on the other hand I wanted nothing more than to feel that feather light tough again that seemed to have played a key role in bringing me away from my well.

My brain went into lockdown as the girl who looked like she could have come from my imagination leveled her face with mine and pressed them gently together so as to look even deeper into my eyes. Or I would assume so as I now had a front and center stage view of hers. Her eyes seemed to mist over and they dilated for moments like she spacing out but they also seemed to remain aware.

She started to stroke me behind my ears the sensation was so warm and pleasurable that I immediately started to purr. It was a deep rumble in my chest that sounded more like a feral growl than a sound meant to implicate my happiness. I was very content her warm hand smoothing its way through my thick fur had me in a blissful state of warmth and sleepiness. When my eyes drooped again I was pleased that it was not to a drugged sleep to which I was about to pass into but a completely natural sleep induced only by the girls light and soothing hands. I let my head fall into her lap, I liked it there and I liked it even better when she laid herself over me.

My eyes where closed and I was close to sleep when a boy that looked startlingly like the girl sprawled on top of me entered the room and came into the cage ,I was wary of him, he crouched down beside us. I gave a light growl of possessiveness warning him away. He gave me an indulgent smile that one gives to a cub and shook his head. He went out of the cage and I was satisfied, but he promptly returned with a blanket which he spread over me and the unconscious girl, he lightly brushed his lips against her forehead and then he left.

I stayed awake watching the girl and making sure the boy did not come back I did not want him anywhere near my girl.
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Short I know. Sorry.