She's His Medication; She's My Drug


It was an exceptionally dark night. The wind was cold and cruel as it beat and whipped at everything out there, both living and none living and those stuck between.
One majestic creature stood tall at the edge of a cliff, just in the middle of a thick forest. He was pale, so very pale. An alabaster white. His skin was startling and noticeable in the dark night. His pale blond hair was whipping about his head and against his forehead and his fierce eyes, which were a shocking shade of violet, was searching the valley below like a hawk searching for its prey. His dark eyebrows knotted together from concentration. He was tall with a broad build and his muscles were quite impressive. He could have been a boy in his late teens or a man in his early twenties.
This man was breath-takingly beautiful and no man could have been his equal. His beauty far out-shone the gorgeous valley below and the majestic mountains above.
Apart from his pale skin and breath-taking beauty, what made his stand out the most was how still he was standing. He could have been carved from the stone of the cliff face had his beautiful eyes not been moving.
Suddenly, his eyes locked in on something in the valley below and with that, he was gone, vanished into thin air almost. The branches from the trees that swayed behind him were rustled violently before they went back to their usual movement.
The animals once again returned to their homes.
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This is just the preface so you know... it just really describes how Alexander looks so... yeah... just so you know my writing skills :P
MEssage me people! I want constructive cristism!! (Praise would be nice too :P lol)
Not my best work but, hey! Who am I to complain? You tell me what to think. I have a good few chapters written so I'll post them all up tonight