She's His Medication; She's My Drug

Chapter 2

She was breath taking.
She was facing away from me with a worried expression on her face. Her eyes were completely blank though they looked empty and vacant. Almost like there was nothing in them.
The girl was small, only five foot one, and she was thin, but not abnormally so. Her skin was pale with a subtle hint of ivory to it. Her lips were full, round and rose-red, her cheeks had a faint flush to it. Her hair was long; it reached half way down her thighs, and was either white or pale, pale blond and was in thick ringlets. Her eyes were a pale blue and were beautiful, big and wide and framed by long, dark, thick lashes although her eyes seemed to be empty. She was wearing a long, off-white cotton dress that hugged her curves; the end of the dress was caked in mud but she still looked beautiful, the mud almost added to her beauty. Her nose was small and slightly upturned, like a pixy.
She was so beautiful and elegant. Even though I only breathe when I’m around small groups of humans or when I smell, I let out a gasp.
“Grandpa?” She called out, her voice was very beautiful and high, a tinkling soprano. Had I not known better, I would have thoughts she was a vampire or pixie or even an angel.
Sunlight shone through tree branches onto the girl, enhancing her beauty and making her look like she had a halo. When she spoke, her eyes stayed staring straight ahead.
I took a step into the clearing and cleared my throat.
“Grandpa?” She asked again, her voice rising in anxiety.
She still didn’t turn to look at me and I wondered why this was. Maybe she would turn to see me if I spoke to her. It might ease her worries.
“No, I’m not your grandfather,” I said softly.
The beautiful angel froze. She didn’t turn her head and her eyes stayed in the same place.
I realized then I had scared her even more.
“Why? Are you lost?” I asked her. I instantly regretted asking that. She hung her head and her shoulders drooped.
I walked over to her and sat on the log next to her.
“Yes,” she admitted blushing; I could hear the shame coloring her voice. I instantly felt guilty, like I was the one who put the shame there. “During the storm last night, the roof of the cabin my grandfather and I lived in collapsed. He tried to lead me to another shelter but after a few hours I accidentally wandered off and got lost.”
I knotted my hands in my lap and stared at the ground, feeling slightly awkward.
“Well it was very dark last night out yesterday, I guess,” I gave her that much. I nodded as I spoke.
“Really?” She asked. I was surprised, she didn’t find it was dark and she was a human? “I wouldn’t know. I went blind when I was seven.”
That I was not prepared for. My mouth fell open with a little pop. Well that would explain why her eyes looked so empty and she why didn’t turn to look at me; it wouldn’t have made a difference.
I pitied her. Not seeing any color, not watching yourself grow up, not seeing anyone’s face.
“How old are you?” I asked her sullenly.
“Seventeen,” she answered curtly.
Wow. Imagine not being able to see for ten years! I couldn’t. Especially with my amazing, in-human eye sight. Even though she was blind I kept my poker face on. I was an expert at poker face. Showing emotion was showing weakness. Weakness was not allowed when you are a knight. I was surprised with myself for letting emotion seep into my voice.
We were silent for a minute before she began voicing her worries to me.
“I feel bad. Where did Grandpa go? What if he didn’t get to the shelter? What if he fell ill? What if him worrying about me gives him a heart attack? How could I ever live with myself then? Where do I go? What do I do? I have no house to go back to.” I could tell she was talking to herself. As she worried she frowned and got a little puckered line between her eyebrows. Her light-brown, straight, perfect eyebrows.
I scolded myself internally for thinking of her beauty. ‘There’s nothing wrong with appreciating a fair maiden’s beauty as long as it is in an appropriate manner,’ the other half of me reasoned.
I straightened up where I was sitting and un-knotted my hands. I realized I stopped listening to the poor, innocent girl. And innocent she was; her face just screamed innocence.
“What do you think, sir?” She asked me. I didn’t know what to say.
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly.
“Forgive me, sir. I never got your name,” the girl said apologetically.
“Sir Alexander Benjamin Doyle,” I told her, standing up.
“Oh!” She gasped. “You’re a knight! I’ve never met a knight before!”
I nearly smiled at her childish out-burst but didn’t. Her words reminded me of my mission. Firstly, I needed information from her. It would make no sense for me to bring back a kissed or betrothed virgin.
“Do you have a fiancé I should take you back to, miss?” I asked her.
“Oh, no.” She said, blushing. The red in her cheeks was attractive, very attractive. “I’ve never even considered being betrothed. I would be far too much of a bother to the family, me being blind. Plus, the only men I have ever known is my father, who died, and my grandfather. And now, Sir Alexander Benjamin Doyle as well.” She beamed at me and her smile was so gorgeous that it would’ve made my heart stutter had it been able to move.
I knew then I could cross everything off my list. She’d never been kissed on the lips or betrothed and I could tell by the scent of her blood that she was still a virgin.
“Well, miss. Now that you know my name, may I be so honored as to learn yours?” I asked her.
“Miss Rosalie Abigail White,” she told me.
I knelt on one knee in front of her and took her hand, planting a kiss on it. “Nice to meet you Miss White,” I murmured against her hand before letting go.
Her skin was so soft! She smelled so irresistible, but not in the sense I wanted to drink her blood. Her skin felt almost like a silk blanket and it was so warm! Vampires are only a degree or two colder than the average human.
Her cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of dark pink and her heart stuttered.
Now it was a case of luring her back to the castle. That seemed easy.
“If you are willing to accept my help, I could take you back to the castle at which I am a knight and ask the ruler to help you find your grandfather,” I lied in the flat monotone that was my everyday voice.
“Yes please, kind knight,” Miss Rosalie Abigail White whispered, the blush still hadn’t left her cheeks.
I gently took her elbow and helped her stand up, like a gentleman.
“Come now, then. We have a long trip ahead of us,” I told her, letting go of her elbow. I began to walk noisily like a human would. Blind people could hear better than other humans, and they could feel better. She followed me with no problems, listening to my footfalls.
Off we went, a human and a vampire, on our journey back to the castle.
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Woo!! Spooky huh? Please keep in mind people that at the moment Alexander's voice is DEVOID OF ALL EMOTION, TOTALLY FLAT AND ALMOST DEPRESSING TO LISTEN TO!! Despite it's elegant... velvety feel to it..... *sighs*
Twenty to two in the morning over here people so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE message me!!
Anyays, at least appriciate my story?
iLy all!!