This Heart, It Beats, Beats for Only You

Just a Preview



J seen leaving C’s house early n the morning. Did her highness have her own private party upstairs with the rockstar? Is that why she suddenly disappeared?


Z and N seen leaving the party together. Wonder if they too have their own mini private party.


M and S are getting breakfast together being C’s back? And S looks slightly upset. Wonder what’s happening in her perfect fairytale.

Well makeascene fans, looks like last night was a night to remember for all the BFFs. While we were dancing the night away, C had disappeared and unsurprisingly J did too shortly after. Looks like the dynamic duo had their own party upstairs that lasted longer than the rest of ours since Joe was seen leaving early in the morning. Does this mean there's a new couple in the kingdom? Make that 2, since N and Z were seen leaving the party together. The chivalrous rockstar walked her home and stayed longer? Maybe it's a Cartwright/Jonas thing. And last but not least S and M were spotted having breakfast together this morning. Does C know about this M, or is this a secret you were hoping to keep? Careful, you know makeascene's always looking for a scene. Could this be the rekindling of a lifelong BFFship? Maybe we'll find out soon.
