Only When We Close Our Eyes


"Oh my God! Brendon! You've gotten so skinny!"

"Uh, Kara. Over here,"


"Put on your glasses, Kara"

"Er, hold on- whoa! You are definitely not Brendon!" the 32 year old explained, letting go of Ryan. "And, this is definitely not my eight year old,"

After dropping Dora-Sing-Along, Kara enveloped her baby brother in a hug.

"Yeah, you're not that skinny, chubby butt,"

"Thanks Kar,"

"Hey Ryan," Kara said sincerely, giving him a brief hug.

"What's up Kara?"

"Not much. I think the kids are still asleep. I think," She repeated. "And Mike is at work. I think,"

"Jeez Kara! Way to be on top of things!"

"I'm sorry. I'll make breakfast to compensate,"

"I like pancakes!" Brendon called over his shoulder as he led Ryan to the kids' room.

"Oh we have those! . . . I think . . ."

Brendon rolled his eyes as he peered into his niece's room.

"We'll go see your brother and sister later, okay?"

"Uh I think we have to go see Jackie and Crystal first for lunch,"

"Haha, which one liked you?"

Ryan threw Dora at him.

"Son of a-," Brendon narrowed his eyes.

"Uncle B-Brendon?"

"Son of a very very good man," Brendon coughed. "Oh heeeeey Kennedy!"

"Uncle Brendon!" Kennedy screamed and latched herself to the smiling man.

Ryan couldn't help but allow himself to smile widely.

"Hi Uncle Ryan!" Kennedy shrieked and motioned for a hug. Ryan accept and picked the 8 year old out of bed.

"Let's go get breakfast," Ryan said.

"Kay. Is Mikey up yet?" Kennedy asked Ryan, looping her arms around his neck.

"Let's check," Brendon suggested.

The three went across the hall and checked the 12 year old's room.

"Uncle Brendon!" Mikey smiled and gave his uncle a hug. "Hey Ryan,"

"It's Uncle Ryan, Mikey! Gosh!" Kennedy chastised.

Mikey rolled his eyes. "I forgot. Sorryyyyy, Uncle Ryan. So. Meet any hot chicks?"

Brendon's face heated up more than he ever had sweated on his last tour. Ryan chuckled.

"Breakfast?" His voice cracked.

"You sound like Mikey," Kennedy giggled.

Ryan laughed, Brendon swallowed, and Mikey glared.

The two adults, and two children made their way to the kitchen where Kara had and was in the process of making pancakes.

"Good morning mama," Kennedy said still latched to Ryan's neck.

"Good morning Dora,"


"Don't worry about it honey,"

Ryan stifled a laugh.

"So how was tour?"

"Tiresome. But still so great. I love it," Brendon replied to his sister, taking a seat at the table. Ryan followed.

"How about you Ryan?"

"It's-" Ryan started.

"Oh Ryan is getting more than enough sleep," Brendon laughed like an immature teenager.

Kara gave Brendon and Ryan a pointed look. "Hey. If that's suppose to be some sort of sleazy rock star-"

"No!" Ryan shouted in realization. "No. It's not like that,"

"Wait, what? Yeah man. It is. Isn't it?" Brendon tilted his head in confusion.

"No Brendon. It isn't,"

"Ok," He shrugged.

"He honestly meant I'm getting sleep," Ryan explained to Kara.

"Yeah he is!" Brendon laughed. "Like in the bunks,"

"See?" Ryan explained. Kara just rolled her eyes and returned to the pancakes.

"The way he sleeps, you'd think he doesn't get sleep at all," Brendon said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"Brendon don't-"

"No but it's true. He sleeps every time we're in the bus. After shows. Before shows. During shows!"

"That was one time!"

"Maybe you have a sleeping disorder," Kara suggested.

"Sleeping addiction," Brendon corrected her. "I wouldn't be surprised if he fell asleep later today,"

"Brendon don't be silly. We're having lunch with the twins. How would somebody fall asleep in a restaurant, be realistic-"

12 o'clock PM. . . .

"Is he really asleep?"

"Oh yeah,"

"But. . . We just got our salads!"

"He ordered soup,"

"Oh that's uncomfortable,"


"You figure he'll drown?"

"It's possible. So which one of you liked Ryan?"

"Er. So how was your date?" Ryan asked her. She sniffed slightly looking like she smelt something bad.

"Uhm. It was. . ."

Yes! Ryan thought to himself. It must have been terrible!

"It was, it was uhm, great! I had a blast. We went to this really rad restaurant. And talked. He's a great conversationalist,"

"Uh. Wow. That was definitely not what I was hoping for," Ryan bit his lip.

"Excuse me?" her eyebrows shot up in shock. This made Ryan grin.

"So you expected my date to fail?" She gaped.

This made Ryan grin even more.

"So you imagined me on the worst date ever? Like I'm not suppose to be a horrible date or something? I'm expected to be a failure? I can't believe you! Why would you-"

Ryan with the silliest smile swooped down and kissed her on the cheek, stopping her from her rambling.

"Oh," was all she said. Ryan gave a hearty laugh and scooped the dazed girl into his chest.

"I was miserable that night," Ryan chuckled.

"Me too," She sighed. Ryan's heart leaped.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeahhh. I had a God awful time. It was such a bust,"

"I told you so," Ryan chuckled. She rolled her eyes. "You weren't the only one. After the show last night, I went outside for some air and saw this poor girl with her date. He was so drun- Are you sick?" Ryan finally asked being interrupted by her constant sniffing.

"No. Why?"

"Well, you kinda keep sniffing and no matter how adorable that is, you sound like you have a cold,"

"Well no offense. . ."

"Offense taken,"

"You kind of- hey what?"

"Nah I'm just kidding. Go for it,"

You smell like . . ."

"I'm pretty sure I'm asleep in soup," Ryan interrupted her again, this time with a wince.

She giggled. "Are you serious? You . . . " she suddenly trailed off, her eyes becoming more distant.

"What?" He chuckled. "Hey. You okay? What's wrong,"

She swallowed thinking it over. She looked like a heartbroken child and Ryan wanted to comfort her.

"You mean you fell asleep in soup. Like . . . a while ago,"

"Uhm, I'm not sure if I understand,"

"You are currently asleep in soup?" She asked again.

"Uh yeah. Brendon and I are at this restaurant-"

"When?" She snapped. Ryan furrowed his eyebrows looking confused.

"Like right now, I guess," He shrugged.

"Then where are you with me?"

"I . . ." Ryan's face fell.

Both were silent. Breathing heavily. Staring at each other with fear.

"This," Ryan swallowed, dreading to say the rest.

"Is real," She whispered.

"Ssshhh, it's okay. Sh, October it's over. It's over now," Allison held her best friend in her arms.

The girl had slept over at her best friends house after their dates and both slept in from a long night out.

Allison hadn't awoken until she heard sobs.

It was 12:30 PM.

That's when she held her weeping best friend in her arms trying to comfort her for an unknown reason.
♠ ♠ ♠

Yeah yeah.

I'm a butthole.

I have finals so don't whine to me.

Speaking of whining
1. Your mom
2. Stop whining about the plot. Just because you whine doesn't make me change the story. example:

Reader: Nyah nyah nyah why aren't they together? Nyah nyah. Put them together now.
Me: OKAY BELOVED READER *editeditedit*

See. Now that not what's going to happen.

Now, I love you all. But I'm not going to listen to a word you say.
If I did what you said, then I would end up with a not original story. You wouldn't be satisfied. Admit it. Not even YOU would want to read my story then.


Send me love even though I'm pretty sure I've pissed about 98% of my readers.