Only When We Close Our Eyes


It was time to face the music.

It was now Monday and October was coming close to facing Alex.

"Look. I totally understand if you don't want to see this douche ever again. I'm so so so sorry-"

"It's fine Al," October interrupted her friend.

"I'll take care of him. Just say the word and he's good as-"

"It's fine Al," She repeated.

"Awesome. I'll go kick his aaaaaa-assert that to me just once more?"

"Assert. Big word Allison," October giggled.

"Shut up, it's like only like four letters," Al rolled her eyes. October laughed again. "But are you sure?"

"Yeah. I mean, he kinda looks like he wants to talk," October said keeping eye contact towards the boy who was approaching the girls at their lockers.

"How can you tell?"

"Hey October. Can we talk?" Alex asked in a short breath once he reached her. Allison shot her best friend a pointed look as if to say 'touché.' She sighed and then left October to deal with the taller boy.

"What's up?" October asked turning back to her locker.

"Listen, I feel super shitty about this weekend," Alex grimaced.

"Uh huh," October said placing her math book back.

"You're a tough cookie to crumble," Alex chuckled nervously.

"Are you saying that you're trying to get me to break down?" October asked turning around suddenly

"Uh no! I-"

"It sounded that you wanted me to accept your apology,"

"I di-"

"Even then, you didn't apologize you were simply stating your emotions,"

"Well it-"

"Which I really can't sympathize with feeling shitty because I wasn't smashed out of my a-"

Alex quickly shut the girl's rapid talking by swooping down and kissing her on the cheek. October's mouth snapped shut and she felt her face burn.

"Why do people keep doing that?" October fumed, but in reality she was just embarrassed.

"Like who?" Alex asked. October froze. She forgot that it was just a dream. Well . . . last night-

"Nobody," October shook her head. Alex didn't mind the shift of topic because he just continued.

"I was trying to say," he chuckled. "Is that I felt shitty about getting smashed over the weekend. I really didn't mean to- okay I did but I sweat it-"


"What I mean to say is," he stuttered and finally gave up with a gruff sigh and running his hands across his face distressed. "Look," he said placing one hand behind October's head on her locker. He leaned in slightly to talk a bit lower.

"I don't usually make a good date," he emphasized. "The girls I usually get with are just a once and a while go. We have fun, y'know? N-not that we didn't have fun in that sense. But y'know? Fun. There's no talking or, or eating, or socializing. It's just, that's it after that!" Alex's forehead was wrinkled slightly as his eyebrows were raised.

October refused to look up for the space between them wasn't too limited, but enough to make her choke up. But at that moment she decided to raise her eyes, locking them with the boy in front of her.

"That night. The way you talked just kinda showed me you weren't that kind of girl, y'know? I didn't know it was a real blind date. That was kind of my . . . first real date, you could say but don't go tellin' people that!" Alex rushed as October's eyes widened with excitement and she stood up straighter. Alex restricted her movement as his hand was still place right behind her trapping her in between them.

He lowered his voice again.

"You're a rad girl. I honestly and deeply regretted hurting you. And when I woke up that morning. . . I-I. . I think making your night really bad hurt more than the hangover," He said quietly.

October couldn't help but be moved by his words. It was like he was opening up to her the way he was talking. She knew Alex from around. He hung out with other guys who thought he was cool because the way he talked: sleazy.

"C-can, you don't have to forgive me because I was such a jerk and all. But I mean, could we be friends?" Heasked pleaded.

October didn't waste a second to wrap her arms around his neck in a hug. The taller boy was surprised by her energy and placed his hands politely on her back.

"Friends," her eyes gleamed.

"Phew. Good. You're like, my first girlfriend!" Alex squealed excitedly. October laughed along.

"I think we should commemorate this special moment by having some make up sex," Alex nodded seriously.

October's face fell as she studied his expression. Was this all just an act?!

Alex's face suddenly fell into a smile as he started laughing. October narrowed her eyes at him and shoved him off her. Slamming her locker she stalked off.

"Hey!" Alex jogged after her. October turned around and slapped his chest.

"That was not funny!" She couldn't help but smile. Alex held his chest.

"Ooooh. Fierce,"

October shoved him again.

"Hey! I believe that sex is beautiful thing between two people," Alex explained.

October rolled her eyes and left for her next class.

"Between five, it's fantastic!"

". . . I respect the Germans, I mean. They tried twice right?"

"Brendon," Ryan finally said tiredly, sitting up straight. "Shut up,"

"Dude. What's up your ass?" Brendon snapped back.

"Nothing man. Just forget it," Ryan sighed.

"You are so fucking bipolar, I swear," Brendon shook his head. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Ryan insisted. "I'm just. . . just not getting enough sleep,"

Brendon looked at Ryan with disbelief until he finally stood up. An air of authoritative annoyance surrounded him.

"You know what Ryan? I'm not sure if you understand what you're doing to yourself. And to the band. We don't talk to you because you're sleeping so much, and when we do talk to you, you're not getting enough sleep??"

Ryan was speechless so he just watched his band mate.

"This isn't healthy. For you and us," Brendon shook his head.

"Dude listen. Calm down. It's nothing. I'm fine," Ryan tried to explain.

"Just shut up! If you won't listen to us, then fuck you Ross," Brendon said and with that he left Ryan.

"What are you doing to me?" Ryan asked aloud putting his face into his hands.

"Mom! Mom?"

"Yeah I'm in the kitchen," October's mother called back.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you," October turned to the boy right behind her.

"Uh," He hesitated.

"What?" October asked turning around. Alex shook his head. "Are you nervous?"

"Psh," he flaunted with arrogance. "A little," He admitted.

"The worst she could do is give you water instead of milk with your cookies," I snorted. Alex rolled his eyes. "C'mon you big baby,"

"October who are you talking- oh. Hello," Mrs. Smith was taken aback and she rounded the corner to see a taller and very lanky boy standing next to her daughter.

"H-hi," Alex said shyly. October grinned.

"Mom, this is Alex. He's a friend from school. Is it okay if he hangs out for a bit?" She asked.

"Sure. Are you a vegetarian Alex?" Mrs. Smith asked him.

"No ma'am. One hundred percent cannibal-"

"Carnivore," October correct.

"Carnivore. One hundred percent carnivore,"

"Aaaalright, I'll make some tacos then," Mrs. Smith said and with a chuckle she left.

"See? Not that bad," October reassured him.

"I think I have a crush on your mom," Alex gushed. October rolled her eyes and dragged him on the porch. They both took a seat on the swing just relaxing.

"I'm sure that'll go well with your parents," She laughed.

"Ugh. Every time I try to tell my parents that I have a girlfriend they start to walk away. I swear they want me to be gay or something," Alex huffed.

"How many times do you tell them that it's getting to the point where they're walking away?" October laughed.

"On a good week or bad week?" Alex asked. October sent him a pointed stare. He shrugged.

"Kind of gross," October shuddered imagining the exchange of saliva through numerous girls.

"I never get to talk like this with my other friends," Alex said in a relieved tone.

"You are sounding a bit girly," October admitted.

"Shut up! You know what I mean," Ben said. October nodded. "So now tell me something about yourself. Like that you don't really get to talk about with your friends,"

October hesitated.

"Well . . ." She said slowly.

"Go ahead," Alex prodded resting his chin on his fist.

"I. . . have these uhm. I have these-"


"What? No! I have these. . . dreams,"

"Dirty? Like naughty dreams? Am I in them?"

"What! Alex!"

"Wanna come to a club where people wee on each other? I'm Ooooold Greeeeggg!" Alex said in a nasally voice causing October to fall into a fit of laughter.

"You're terrible!" October giggled. "I love Old Gregg. Don't even diss,"

"Sorry sorry. I interrupted. Go ahead," Alex said. "Your dreams."

"Well. They're just quite real," Alex nodded for her to continue. "And I guess it isn't the place that's really standing out to me . . . but rather, the person," October said slowly.

"Hm. Well do you hate the person? Male or female?"


"Do you hate the guy? Or maybe something opposite of hate?" Alex asked.

"I- well, that doesn't matter. The problem is . . . and I don't know. Never mind," October blushed.

"No! No, go on!" Alex shoved her.

"I think. He's real," October looked up meeting Alex's confused eyes.

"He's real?"

"He exists. I think. I think, we're meeting in each other's dreams. . . "
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm ooolld Greeggg!

Take that!


And that!
