All But Her Strings

Chapter 2

Her appetite seemed to be supressed by the confusion clouding her head.
She had no idea what to do or where she was.
She was curious about the boy and his father.
And yet, lying next to her, innocent and beautiful was the mysterious guitar.

She lay down, staring blankly into the now cloudless and bright blue sky, the light breeze carressing her face.
She slipped her hands easily into her pocket, falling alongside a crumpled piece of paper.
As her fingers touched it, her eyes opened wide at the surprise.
Quickly, she grabbed it, pulling it out of her pocket eagerly.
It was aged slightly, and soft from the many hands that had held it before.
Opening it slowly she read:

"Thomas St Louis,
I hold thee heart,
Firm in thy hand.
Thou loveth dost warmeth my soul
Like a flower in the sun."

Laela sighed heavily, scrunching the useless love poem into a small ball and slipped it back into her pocket.
"What good did that do? That could have been my only chance, and all it was was a stupid love poem?" Lying back down, she watched a lonely cloud float slowly across the empty blue sky.
"Thomas St Louis..." The name ran through her mind; hoping to trigger a memory.

"This is pointless... I'm lost! Alone! No memory of home!" She threw her hands up in the air hopelessly.
Sitting back down, she picked up the guitar and inspected every detail of its beautiful, slender body.
Nothing but a small scratch on it's back.
Her fingers slid smoothly down it's fretboard while her other hand began picking it's steely strings, forming chords and beautiful melodies almost unimaginable.
Her head became so full of it's music, she soon lost all concept of time.
Everything became unclear except for the strings on her mysteriously magestic guitar.

The silence was broken by a tap on her shoulder.
She jumped, startled and scared.
Turning her head around nervously she saw the young farm boy standing behind her, mesmerized.
"That there's some good music." He said quietly.
"Wh... Who are you?" Laela asked shyly.
"The name's Louis. Louis St Louis."