All But Her Strings

Chapter 4

"Patterson..." She mumbled again.
"Laela, Are... Are you alright...?" The man's smile suddenly dropped. Concerned, he waved a strong boned hand in front of her eyes.
"Wha... Oh, yeah, yes, yes I'm fine..." She said, her voice drifting away into the distance.
The guitar in her sweaty palms, it hung completely innocent.

"Yes... Yes she's safe here. Don't worry, they haven't been around for 2 years..." The old mans voice; slightly muffled, echoes through the wooden planks between the rooms.

'His eyes... I can't get over his eyes... They're so beautiful.' Laela thought to herself while Luis sat on the sofa opposite her, examining her guitar.
"Wow, it's perfectly made! Everything about it... It's flawless!" He exclaimed strumming an E chord. The sound was so amazing.
Still curious about what had happened, she sat, looking blankly at Luis; trying to make herself remember everything.
'Tell me God! I beg of you! Give me my life back, please, please help me!' She looked up at the roof, beyond the roof, her eyes searching for a God she can't find.
As she realised how much of her life she's missing, her head fell into her hands.
"Please... Please God!" She sobbed out loud.
Luis, lifting his head up suddenly as he heard the muffled cries, he moved the guitar off his lap and walked carefully over to the tearful girl.
Placing a warm arm on her shoulder, she looked up once more into his beautiful, clear eyes.
Placing a warm arm around his waist, he looked down once more into her red, glossy eyes.
"Luis... What happened to me?" She asks reluctantly. Something inside her told her she shouldn't know, she didn't want to know. But something else told her she needed to know. She couldn't go on living without having a life.
"I... I can't tell ya' now sweetie..." He seemed ashamed at holding in this information.
"We thought you had died... An, and... No, I said a lil' too much, girlie." He looked back down into her eyes, innocently.
His hands grip her tightly, closely as he sat down on the arm of the chair. They sat there staring as she forgot about her past life.
The world had disappeared. Suddenly all that was there was the two of them.

His lips...
Closing his eyes, he pressed his lips against hers.
She closed hers too; sparks flew inside her. Her past life meaning nothing for the minutes that passed.

"But what can we do? She's still alive! You better just be bein' goddamn thankful she don't remember no things 'bout this shit!" The man said aggressively through the old, chunky phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, it's been a long time since I last edited this story. Sorry. >.<

Edited: Wow, this was written so badly. Had to edit it.