All But Her Strings

Chapter 5

"Sorry. I shouldn't have... I'm, I'm sorry. I..." Luis pressed a finger lightly to her lips and smiled, a slight gleam in his eye as he slid his hands down the sides of her slender body.
Laughing innocently, she kissed him again, but it was over quickly when they heard a door slam. Suddenly feet were pounding loudly through the house.

"Get in the car now! Now Laela! Hurry!!!" The man screams, bursting through the door, his face red with rage and fear.
Luis's mood swings quickly. His eyes fall wide with panic, scooping Laela up in his arms and running fearfully out through the small cottage.
She saw, parked under a metal shed, an old, rusty ute. It looked as though it hadn't been used in years.
Laela's head was clouding up with confusion again.
What was happening?
The Man tore the car door open while Luis put Laela down on the stiff, back seat.
"Siddown' now boy!" The Man screamed threateningly at Luis.
"No! Wait... I need something." Luis yelled, running back into the house, ripping open the front door with his large, strong hands.
'That man could kill somebody...' Laela thought, scared.
"Fuckin' oath! That boy don't got no fuckin' sense of urgency!" The Man said aggressively, slamming his fist against the steering wheel impatiently.

Sitting back awkwardly, she's being thrown from reality and dropped into another world of confusion.
A minute went by. The second hand of the watch on The Mans hand seemed to tick slowly in time with Laela's nerves.
"Where the fuck is..." The man is stopped as Luis sprinted through the front door, guitar in one hand and a small dagger in the other.
"You wasted a minute of our precious time for a dang guitar?! Are you fricken' insane, boy?!" The accelerator is slammed down while The Man reversed ruthlessly into a wide plain of grass, dirt and poplar trees.
"Laela... I..." He passes over the guitar, smiling meekly.
"Thankyou." She smiled politely, lying her guitar softly on her lap while the ute bumped over rocks and mounds of grass.

She had another question in mind but once again something told her she'd be better off not knowing...
"Please God..." A tear rolled down her pale cheek once more.
"Maybe... Maybe I'm just losing my mind. Maybe this is just a stupid dream..."

The drive was quiet but rough.
Something was not right.
And it was all her fault.
Had she ruined the life of these two innocent people?
What had she done, what was happening to make them run away from the place they seemed to love so much?

"Please, please God!"
Luis looked over his shoulder, a small tear formed in the corner of his eye.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow... This is written really badly. I'll go over it tomorrow and edit it.

Tell me what you think of it so far?