There's a Fine Line Between Love and Hate


I don't think I had this much fun in.. forever. William's hands found my hips as I grinding into his front, moving along with the fast-beat music. I'm sure nearly the entire school student body was out on the floor dancing. There wasn't any room what-so-ever to walk though people, or even really move.

Three shots of vodka, two beers, and endless amounts of Jack Daniels, everyone I laid my eyes on was absolutely amazingly gorgeous. Well, not everybody, but you get the picture. Megan had left earlier because she had a migraine, and Sisky took her home. Bridget was here, a scorn look on her face since Carden wasn't giving her much attention.

People laid on tables while others did body shots off of them, girls still managed to flash the entire house, and music was probably heard a few blocks away. Luckily, William's house was off back towards the country some, so it wasn't much of an issue. Livien was somewhere with Michael, which wasn't something I was particularly fond on talking about.

William and I laughed as we watching a guy get slapped across the face and a beer poured on his head. I looked around the room and saw Joshua. Wait, when the hell did he get here? I looked at him, tilting my head to the side. He hadn't called or texted me, so.. I'm so confused. I tugged on William's shirt, pointing him in the direction Joshua was at. That's when I saw Bridget approach him. William stood beside me, looking at the same thing I was.

Bridget stood on her tip-toes, placed her hands gently on his shoulders, placed a kiss on his cheek and whispered something into his ear. My jaw hung open as she waltzed away, and Joshua followed her.

"Audrey?" William asked cautiously.

"Get me a shot of Jack." I demanded.

"Are you positive?"

"William!" I shouted, even though I'm sure only he heard. He scurried off, then returning with two large shot glasses full of Jack Daniels. He knows me too well. I chugged it down, quickly, then went for William's.

"Whoa, babe, don't you think you slow down a bit?" He asked, pulling me away from it.

"Definitely not." I told him, stumbling around. I had already consumed more alcohol than the legal blood concentration limit and was well on my way to seeing my imaginary friend in imaginary land. Wouldn't be surprising if I got lost on the way.

I lifted my arms over my head so he could pulled of my shirt more easily and I shoved him onto his bed. William slurred a laugh; we were both completely shit faced. It was nearly midnight, and people were either starting to leave or pass out on the floor, toilets, or staircase.

Livien and Michael crashed in William's guest room while the Butcher was on the basement couch for some reason. Carden left early when he couldn't find Bridget, and I wouldn't tell him what I saw. Stupid. Drunk. Me. I pity myself sometimes.

My hands fumbled around with William's belt, making him literally giggle at me fetal attempts.

"Sto-op laughin' at me." I ordered, pulling his belt from the loops.

"You're too cute." He commented.

"Dude, I already knew that." I replied, working on the buttons to his plaid, button down shirt.

"Are you.. are you sure you want to do this?" William asked, seriousness all over his face. Even though I could drunk, I could tell he was serious.

"William," I said, whipping my hair to the side so he could see my face. "I'm definitely sure about this. Ever since I first me-t you." I admitted. It was probably an over share, but I hoped he wouldn't remember it in the morning.

"Good." He hiccuped, trying to pull down my pants.

"You.. you know I'm still a.. a virgin.. right?" I admitted shyly.

"I am too." He said.

"Wait." I said, sitting up. "You and Samantha didn't do it?" He winced slightly when I mentioned her name, but I shrugged it off.

"No, definitely not Audrey." He replied, pulling me down to him and kissing my fully on the lips.God, how I've been dying to do that forever.

Lust was working into my system faster than a cheetah hunts it prey, and I didn't know how much longer I could go. William kicked off his pants as I stood up to pull off mine.

"Is the door locked?" I asked cautiously.

"Always keep it locked." He replied, grabbing what was probably a condom from his nightstand.

"Good." I straddled him when he sat back down on the bed and kissed down his stubble jaw bone. I found his sensitive spot beneath his ear, and started leaving my mark as he messed around with my bra clasp.

"Damn bra." He breathed out lowly. I laughed, and skillfully undid it with one hand.

"What the fuck?" He laughed, followed by another hiccup. I busted out laughing, causing William tocutely pout. As a result, he flipped us over, so I was on my back and he was straddling my waist. I gasped from shock and William smirked.

"Not fair." I groaned as his fingers trailed up my thighs. He stopped on the cotton of my underwear, rubbing me slightly.

"William- stop fucking teasing." I demanded, pulling him down to my level by his hair.
♠ ♠ ♠
D: back for an update. sorry for the lack.

new character soon.
dazzled, from the beginning.
yeah, her. :D

note:drinking isn't cool. i don't support it. it's only in this story for obvious reason, yeah? don't think i drink, because i definitely don't.