Status: hiatus


Clandestine is the most prestegious fraternity on campus at NYU. Freshman make take an oath to do whatever it takes to pledge.

What happens when "whatever" involves thongs, water guns, blow jobs, and roofies?

The Freshman:

Spencer Smith: From Vegas. Just wants to make it through pledging ASAP. Overall nervous wreck. Bff's with Ryan and Brendon.

Brendon Urie: Also from Vegas. Will make it to Clandestine if he stops drooling over Ryan Ross. Bff's with Spencer. Has a problem with personal space. Don't give him sugar.

William Beckett: From Chicago. Overall and general slut. Has no problem using his body to get what he wants. Bff's with Sisky.

Adam Siska (aka SiskyBiz): Also from Chicago. Tries to get William to stop flirting with any guy that moves. Bff's with Bill.

Frank Iero: Rough neck from Jersey. Spunky and covered in tattoos. Short but ferocious. Bff's with Mikey.

Mikey Way: Also from Jersey. Tall and skinny. Has glasses. Little brother of Gerard. Bff's with Frank.

Patrick Stump: Choir boy from Chicago. Has amajor minor crush on Pete Wentz.

Alex Suarez: Just wants to sleep in.

The Seniors:

Pete Wentz: One of three presidents of Clandestine. The tattoo on his pelvis has been seen by everyone on campus. Sleeps with whoever he wants.

Gabe Saporta: Another presidente. Spanish hottie known for his purple hoodie. His smirk has been known to make boys fall over. Likes tall skinny boys with girly hips.

Gerard Way: Third and final president of Clandestine. His glare can kill. Keeps Pete and Gabe in check. Has a thing for younger guys and tattoos.

The rest:

Ryan Ross: Sophomore from Las Vegas. General hippie and Beatles fanatic. English major. Bff's with Spencer since he was six.

Jon Walker: Junior. Photographer from Chicago. Majoring in Drafting and Design. Has Chemistry with Spencer (the class, people).

Ryland Blackington: Junior. Gabe's right hand man. Basically does what ever he wants. Just wants to pass his classes.

Andy Mrotek (aka the Butcher): Junior. Art major.

Travis McCoy: Sophomore. Likes skinny white boys. Ryan is still scared of him after last year...

* * * *

Hahahahaaaaa. Complete AU.

Rydon, Gabilliam, Joncer, Peterick, Pikey, Frerard, as well as many other sides.

DISCLAIMERS: This story contains a lot of sexual subjects, drugs, and overall sluttiness. This is kind of cracky, though not intentionally. I like writing this. XD There's not going to be very many parts. Not sure how many, though.

Read, get some laughs, and enjoy.