Wow... I Can Be a Vampire Too!

Show Time!

Rhiannon went through all the changes of being pregnant. She went through the mood swings, the hunger for anything under the sun. Only problem was real food was dirt so the hunt of blood was worse then ever. Her pregnancy went faster by the day; of course she wasn't in a normal situation. It came to the point where she looked like she was about to bust and made her feel a little self Constance. But Gerard told her she was beautiful even pregnant and always sleeps with his hand on her belly.

One night she woke up with pure pain in the pit of her stomach. She looked over at Gerard who was sleeping sound and she woke him up furiously.

"Wha-what baby?" He asked sleepily.

"'s time." She said.

"Time for what?" He asked.

"TIME!" She yelled through her teeth.

Gerard's eyes went wide getting up to do the routine yelling "Show Time!"

"Gerard we're vampires, we can't go to a hospital!" She informed him getting up and holding her stomach.

"Oh yea," He said reminding himself. "Well we'll just have it here."

"HERE?!" She asked both in shock and in pain.

"Yea! Come on lay back down I'll call the guys." He said getting the phone.
"GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!" Rhiannon yelled at Mandy and the guys as she slowly got into labor.

"Calm down! Just breathe!" Mandy said.

Gerard held on to Rhiannon's hand as she breathed.

"Alright now Push!" Mandy said. Rhiannon pushed with all her might killing Gerard's hand in the process.

"What do you do? Crack walnuts?" He asked.

"SHUT UP THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Rhiannon yelled.

"OK Rhi, now push!" Mandy demanded. Rhiannon obeyed pushing with all her might.

"Good girl we're almost there!" Mandy said smiling.

"This hurts so bad, let's just keep the baby in here." Rhiannon whined.

"Come on Rhi one more time. Now push!" Mandy yelled. Rhiannon pushed so hard she almost gave out but the sound of her baby crying hysterically made her now more at ease.

"Aww it's a girl!" Mandy squealed wiping the baby clean and wrapping it with a blanket. Rhiannon fell back on the bed almost passing out but it was Gerard who passed out.
"Hey Gerard wake up." Rhiannon said gently as Gerard woke up next to her on the bed.

"Wha happened?" He asked.

"You passed out." Rhiannon informed him holding their daughter. Gerard looked at the sleeping baby and smiled.

"What did you name her?" He asked.

"Beatrix Anna Way." She said smiling warmly.

"That's a beautiful name." He said.

"You wanna hold her?" She asked. Gerard nodded as she softly gave Beatrix to Gerard. He smiled at his daughter and looked back at Rhiannon.

"I love you." He said kissing her softly.

"I'm glad, cause giving birth is a bitch." Rhiannon said laughing. Gerard laughed back at her and they both looked at Beatrix.

"Hey baby, we've been waiting for you." He said smiling at her.