Fuzzy Handcuffs and Birthday Cake

It's a One shot, yo!

"Alice! Do we have to go!" Brendon whined from the couch.
"Bren, come on, don't you want to go shopping?" said Alice who was currently looking for her shoe.
"But.. not for Ryan.."
"I need to get him a present, his birthday is only a few days away, and I'm not planing on going to the party."
"Um, hello? you planned it. strippers, alcohol, not my thing." Alice thought of the last time she got drunk with the guys.
She ended up making out with Ryan.
No one remembers, only her.
The thing was, it left her with feelings for Ryan.
Of course, the only person she told this to was Brendon.
He was her best friend, whom she lived with.
"Fine, but we have to go the toy section." Brendon got up.
"Okay!" Alice smiled, grabbed her keys and ran out the door.
"Oh my god! You should get him these!" Brendon held up a pair of red fluffy handcuffs.
"BRENDON! No!" Alice blushed and made him put them back.
Brendon had dragged her into Spencers and they were looking around.
"Alice! come on! Maybe he likes you too!"
"Umm.. nothing.. LETS GO TO THE TOY STORE!" Brendon ran out, leaving Alice standing there, confused about what he had just said.
Could Ryan really have feelings for her? She thought about this for a minute.
Nah, she decided. Ryan could never see her as more than a friend.
"ALICE!" Ryan smiled and hugged her. She had planned a night together with Ryan, the night before his birthday.
She hugged him back. "Hey Ry Ry! I missed you so much!"
"I know! It's been a whole 2 hours since I last talked to you!" Ryan laughed. "Come on, lets get this party started!"
"well, I gotta get the stuff out of the car, be right back!" Alice went to grab huge bags of stuff out of the car.
"You want to see you're cake?" Alice asked walking through the door again.
"HELL YEAH!" Ryan ran over.
"Here." Alice simply shoved the cake into Ryan's face.
Ryan stood there in shock. Alice was trying so hard not to laugh.
"Come on Ross, it's just cake."
Ryan charged towards her, she got the idea. She started laughing and running around the house.
"Ryannnnnn..." Alice stumbled. They had ended up drinking. Alice was trying to find him and was falling over in the process.
"Ryan.. where are yoooou?" she slurred.
she heard a faint "bedroom" and walked over. There, sitting on the edge of the bed was Ryan, looking at the pair of handcuffs.
"Erm, where'd you get those..?" Brendon had finally convinced her earlier to get them.
"Found them under my pillow.." he continued staring at them.
She gave in. "Ryan, I'm sorry, Brendon made me get them and he said maybe we could use them but I know you only think of me-" Ryan had gotten up and kissed her.
Alice was very surprised at first. then she started kissing back. Ryan pulled away.
"Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to do that?" Ryan said, looking her in the eyes.
"I've wanted to do that for a while too.." Alice tried hiding her smile.
He lifted her chin and went in for another kiss.
About an inch part, Ryan whispered," I love you Alice."
Alice blushed. "I love you to Ry."
♠ ♠ ♠
Have I ever told you, I like the name Alice?

Ryan's scrumptious;)
what'd ya think?