Locked Doors


Eventually, the two of us arrived a table on the complete opposite side of the cafeteria.
There were already 2 boys, and a girl at the table, all of who I presumed to be the friends Rian had been talking about.

“Guys, I like you to meet my new friend Gabby,” Rian said as he motioned for me to sit down, “Gabby, this is Jack, Alex and his girlfriend Rory.

We all exchanged some sort of greeting, before we started eating. Well, Jack and Alex were completely pigging out, and making a mess. I was astonished that they were eating that much, and that they were as skinny as they were.

“Shocking right?” Rory said looking over at me, “You’d be surprised at the amount of beer the two of those drink. Yet still, no beer belly.”

“You’re kidding right?” I said laughing and earning a head shake from her, “Holy shit, that’s crazy to think about.”

“I know right?” she said joining in my laughter, “Ah shit, here comes Katrina.”

“Who’s Katri-“ I started to ask before I was cut off by the most annoying voice ever.

“Alex! Hi!” I heard a high-pitched voice shriek as Alex groaned.

“What do you want Katrina,” Alex asked not even bothering to look at her.

“Awh don’t be like that,” she said flipping her very fake blonde hair.

“Katrina, just leave,” Rian said taking a drink of his soda, “You know that no one can stand you here.”

“I wasn’t talking to you,” she said glancing over at me, “And who are you? The new skank they found?”

“Who the hell do you think you are?” I said already annoyed with her, “And FYI, you blonde bitch, I’m their new friend, something you’re obviously not.”

I heard Jack, Rory, Alex, and Rian stifle their laughter, while Katrina shot me a death glare.

“You better watch your back bitch,” she said pointing a finger at me, “I can ruin you around here. Especially since you’re the new girl.”

“Oh, I’m just shaking in my moon boots,” I said rolling my eyes, “Just know that I know how to make your life a living a hell, and most likely will.”

“Watch your back,” she said once more before turning away from the table.

“With the best spy sunglasses!” I called to her laughing while I did so.

At this point, the rest of the table couldn’t hold their laughter in anymore. They all burst out laughing, and started clutching their stomachs.

“Holy shit Gabby,” Rian said finally regaining composure, “I’ve never seen anyone talk to Katrina like that.”

“I know right?” Alex and Rory said in unison.

“You get mad props for doing that,” Jack said catching my hand in a high-five.

“People like her don’t scare me,” I said sipping my water, “I fought all of the girls like her at my old school. They seriously need to get over themselves.”

“They do,” Rory said nodding in agreement, “She’s hated me ever since I started dating Alex. And hanging out with the boys in general.”

“Dumb skank,” Jack said causing us all to laugh.

After lunch, I was walking to Environmental Science with Alex and Rian, and the three of us were talking non-stop. The guys had told me that although the class was an AP one, that it was always a lot of fun. As we walked into the room, the boys got a lot of greetings, before finding their seats towards the middle of the class.

“May I help you?” I heard the teacher asked as she walked in the door a few moments later.

“Uhm, I think,” I said nervously, “This is my first day here, and I didn’t know where I should sit or anything.”

“Oh, so you’re Gabriella?” She asked as she shuffled through a few papers.

“Yeah,” I said smiling a bit, “But I prefer to be called Gabby.”

“Alright then, Gabby,” she said handing me a book and a few papers, “I’m Ms. Helgeson, and welcome to the lovely APES class. Is there anyone in the class that you’ve befriended in the previous classes?”

“SHE KNOWS ME HELGY!” Alex said waving his hand in the air.

“Oh you poor thing, you already know Mr. Gaskarth,” she said laughing, “Alright, since there’s a seat between him and Rian, you can have it.”

“Thank you,” I said before I made my way to the empty seat.

“Now, we can become even better best friends,” Rian said as I sat down.

“Well duh!” I said laughing a little.

“Alright class, it’s easy point Wednesday,” Ms. Helgeson said as she set up the projector, “Which means you’re getting a few worksheets due at the end of the hour. And yes, you can work with partners.”

She handed the papers down the aisles, and the class was soon at work. Luckily, I had been taking APES in Colorado, so I knew exactly what was going on in the class.

“So, Gabs, any plans for the weekend?” Rian asked as we were finishing up the first worksheet.

“Nope, probably just finishing unpacking or something boring,” I said laughing, “What about you?”

“We’re throwing a party at Alex’s Friday night,” Rian said causing Alex to nod.

“You should totally come,” Alex said joining in the conversation, “Wait, you do party right?”

“No, I find drinking repulsive, and I can’t stand anyone who does it,” I said causing both of their faces to drop, “I’m kidding guys! Of course I party! And I’ll be there.”

They both let out sighs of relief, and I couldn’t help but to laugh. I was glad that I had met new people my first day, and that we already seemed to be hitting it off.

I just prayed they didn’t find out the real reason as to why I partied like I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to turn this into a story.
I have some big ideas for this.
It'll be different from what I've written before.

Banners? (i've never had one on here :))

Gabby: http://www.polyvore.com/gabby_solana/set?id=8792640