Locked Doors


My first week at Dulaney went relatively fast, and before I knew it, I was in my last class on Friday afternoon.

“Okay, so the party starts at 8:30, but you should get there at 8,” Jack said as we were packing up our stuff.

“Alright, I just need the directions,” I said right before the bell rang.

“I’ll text them to you so you can use your Blackberry GPS.”

“Alright, thanks buddy,” I said giving him a quick hug, “See you in a few hours.”

“Alright, see ya!” he said before walking the opposite way down the hall.

I briskly walked to my locker, grabbing all of the stuff I would need for my weekend homework, before making my way out to the parking lot. I threw my backpack in the backseat of my Kia Rio, before making the semi-short drive home.

When I pulled into my driveway, I noticed that my Dad’s car wasn’t there. I shrugged, not really caring, before hopping out and going to check the mail.

As soon as I had grabbed the mail, I heard someone call my name.

“GABBY!” I heard Rory yell as she was approaching me.

“Hey Rory!” I said closing the mailbox, “What are you doing around here?”

“I’m watching my Aunt and Uncle’s house while they’re on vacation. Theirs is the tan one a few down,” she said pointing in the general direction of the house.

“Oh, that sounds fun,” I said pulling a face.

“If you consider feeding and walking yappy dogs everyday fun,” she said causing me to laugh, “So, you’re still going to the party tonight, right?”

“Of course! I wouldn’t want to miss it,” I said adjusting my backpack, “Do you want to hang out before hand?”

“Sure!” she said smiling excitedly, “I was actually just going to stay at my Aunt’s house and get ready, but I’ll chill with you! It’ll be a lot more fun.”

“Okay, just come over after you take care of the dogs,” I said as we started walking separate ways.

“Alright, see you in about an hour or so,” she said as she skipped off towards the house.

I couldn’t help but to laugh at her skipping as I made my way through my own front door. I jogged up the stairs to my bedroom, and sighed noticing I still had some unpacking to do.
However, instead of doing some unpacking I decided to hop in the shower considering I got horribly sweaty in gym earlier in the day.

I walked into my adjoining bathroom, and turned the shower on so it could heat up. I shed my clothes slowly, making sure not to catch any of my piercing's. Once I was completely undressed, I glanced in the mirror, noticing the yellowing bruise on the side of my ribcage.

I tore my gaze away from it, as I saw steam start to rise from the shower. I quickly hopped in, and started washing my long hair with my Tree Root shampoo. Once that was down, I washed my face and body before hopping turning the water off.

I grabbed my fluffy blue towel and wrapped it around me before walking back into my room.
I grabbed the necessary undergarments from my dresser, before walking over to my closet and picking out my outfit.

I picked out a pair of destroyed skinny jeans, a white v-neck with multi colored zebra stripes and a pair of Adidas’ with the same colors.

Almost as soon as I had pulled my shirt over my head, I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly shuffled down the stairs, and opened the door to reveal Rory holding a small duffle bag.

“Hey,” I said letting her walk in the house, “What’s with the bag?”

“It’s my survival kit,” she said laughing, “Which just means it has my clothes for tonight, and what I’ll need in the morning.”

“Oh,” I said laughing with her, “My old friend and I made those once. And we kept a case of water in her trunk.”

“DUDE! I do that shit too!” she said high-fiving me, “And I was wondering if I could steal a shower. I still feel gross from gym earlier.”

“Yeah go right on ahead,” I said leading her upstairs, “I’ll just be doing my make-up and hair.”

“Alright, thanks dude,” she said before disappearing into my bathroom.

I walked over to my vanity and grabbed a brush, and starting working on my semi-tangled hair. Once it was all smooth, I decided to just let it air dry and let its natural waviness.

Just as I had pulled out my makeup bag, I heard the shower stop, and a few minutes later Rory walked out. She was wearing dark skinny jeans, and a white v-neck with black lettering on it.

About an hour later, we had both finished getting ready and were sitting at the island in my kitchen, eating Oreos.

“How’s Maryland treating you so far Gabby?” Rory asked.

“I like it,” I said smiling, “I mean, it’s a lot different from Colorado, but I’m loving it a lot.”

“That’s good,” she said smiling back at me, “I’m glad that Rian was your ‘escort’, because you’re a pretty badass chick.”

“Thanks dude,” I said laughing, “I’m glad he was too, ya’ll have been so nice to me.”

“That’s because you’re exactly like us,” she said laughing, “We just have to see that you can hold it down at a party like us.”

“I may be small, but I can hold my liquor rather well,” I said winking, “I mean, I practically lived at parties on the weekends and almost everyday during the summer.”

“That’s why you’re like us,” she said smiling.

Once we had ate almost a full thing of Oreo’s and talked about everything under the sun, we realized that it was a little after 7:30. I ran up the stairs to grab my survival kit, which I had luckily kept intact, my blue beanie and my purple wayfarers.

We both jumped into Rory’s car, considering she knew the way and I didn’t, and were off to the party.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update 1 of 2 for the night.
The party is in the next one :)
I got inspiration from my night last night haha.
lets just say it was a textsfromlastnight.com worthy night.
hell, 3 people submitted the texts I sent them.
