Locked Doors


About 5 minutes later, Rory and I pulled up to Alex’s house, and I noticed that we weren’t the only ones there.

“I thought it didn’t start until 8:30,” I said as I got out of the car.

“It doesn’t,” Rory said looking at her phone, “Oh well, people always get here early for some reason.”

I just shrugged and walked up to the door behind her. She walked into Alex’s house, without knocking, and we were immediately engulfed in noise. She motioned for my bag, and I handed it to her so she could take it upstairs and put it somewhere safe.

As Rory disappeared up the stairs, I stood awkwardly by the entrance before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned in surprise and was met by Rian smiling widely.

“Gabby, you made it!” he said slinging his arm around my shoulder.

“Of course,” I said giving him a sideways hug, “I wouldn’t want to miss a party!”

He just laughed before leading me into the living room, where Alex, Jack and a lot of other people I didn’t know were.

“Alright guys, this is Gabby, my new best friend,” Rian said causing everyone to look at us, “Gabby this is Kimmy, Jack’s girlfriend, Zack, and his girlfriend Josie.”

We all exchanged quick hellos before everyone was in separate conversations. I was talking to Rian about blink-182, and before long the house started to get filled with more people.
I was introduced to more people than I could remember, and soon found myself in the kitchen grabbing drink after drink.

“GABBY!” Jack yelled as he jumped at me for a hug, “Come be my beer pong partner! Josie doesn’t want to play with me.”

“That’s because you’re already getting rather tipsy,” I said laughing at him, “But I will be your partner. Who are we up against?”

“Rian and Alex,” he said leading me to the dining room.

We finally stopped in front of the dining room table, just as Rian had finished filling our cups.

“Y’all are going down,” I said as I grabbed the ball out of the water cup.

“In your dreams Solana,” Rian said as he and Alex waited for my shot.

“Oh my gosh don’t do that!” I said pointing behind the boys causing them to look.

I quickly took this as an opportunity to bounce the ball into one of their cups.

“That’s two cups!” Jack said pumping his fist into the air, “Drink up bitches.”

The boys just groaned and took their cups before downing the beer. Once they had set their cups aside, Rian called an Eye to Eye shot for him and Jack. They both counted to 3, before tossing the balls across the table. I groaned as Rians landed perfectly in a cup.

“I’ll drink this one Jacko,” I said grabbing the cup, “You’re way more gone than me.”

“Okay, I drink next.”

For the rest of the game we kept neck in neck with each other. But once we were down to only a few cups, I could feel the alcohol taking over my body. Alex and Rian were taking their final shots, and they both landed them into our final cups.

“Dude, lets not even try to rebuttle,” I slurred to Jack as we drank our final cups.

“Don’t’ forget these 3,” Alex said as he handed us the rest of his cups.

“I got these ones Jack, you’re a little more gone than me,” I said only causing him to nod and walk away.

“I was impressed you did so well,” Rian said as he walked up next to me.

“I told you, I used to party a lot,” I said as we started to walk.

Well, I actually stumbled causing Rian to put his arm on my waist to steady me.

“Awh thanks Ri,” I said hugging him, “You’re a great best friend.”

“Same to you,” he slurred to me.

“Gosh, you have absolutely perfect teeth,” I said giggling right after.

“You have a perfect face,” he said causing a blush to rise in my cheeks, “And you’re adorable when you blush.”

“You’re just adorable,” I said leaning into him and breathing in his scent.

“Let’s go get some more drinks.”

“I like the sound of that,” I said stumbling with him into the kitchen.

He grabbed a few random bottles, before pouring some of each into 2 red party cups. He handed me one, and tipped his cup to me before taking a long swig. I followed suit, and grinned as I tasted the familiar taste of Puerto Rican rum glide down my throat.

“Puerto Rican is my favorite,” I practically yelled to Rian over the now blaring music.

“I had a feeling you did, a lot of girls do,” he said leaning down to my ear so I could hear him better.

“Let’s go out back so we can hear each other better,” I said motioning to the back door.

He just nodded, so I grabbed his hand and lead him out to the back deck.

“Finally some fresh air,” I half said, half slurred, “It was getting really hot in there.”

“Yeah it was,” Rian said sitting on the stairs, “So how are you liking your first Maryland party. Does it stand up to the ones in Colorado?”

“I’m loving it so far,” I said laughing a bit, “And it’s probably better than a lot of the Colorado parties I went to. Y’all actually get good shit, not the nasty stuff.”

“We’re just very seasoned,” he said winking causing me to laugh.

“Gosh, you keep making me laugh tonight,” I said leaning back to look up at the stars.

“I love making pretty girls laugh,” he said causing me to look over at him.

“Me, pretty? Yeah right,” I scoffed before looking back to the stars, “I am the farthest thing from pretty Mr. Dawson.”

“You, Gabby Solana, are pretty,” he said brushing a strand of hair out of my face, “And don’t even try to deny it.”

He kept his hand on my face, and I could feel myself leaning towards him slowly. I noticed his was leaning forward too, and before long our lips were connected.

I didn’t know if it was the alcohol, or something else that was pent up, but I felt myself melt into his kiss. I scooted my body as close as I could to his, and snaked my arms around his neck, causing him to snake his around my waist.

Our kiss turned into a heated make-out session that lasted for a good 15 minutes or so. The only time the kiss was broken was when I felt him start to play with the hem of my shirt.

“Not here,” I said grabbing his hand, “Let’s go somewhere more private.”

He just nodded in response, before standing up and pulling me along with him. He lead me through the crowded kitchen, and up the stairs into an empty bedroom. As soon as the lock had clicked, we were connected at the mouth again. I felt him guide me to the bed, and in a matter of seconds the back of my legs hit it, causing us to botch fall onto it.

I reached for the hem of his shirt, and slid it up and off of him without hesitation. He followed suit, but stopped and stared and my ribs.

“Gabby, what happened?” he asked running his fingers over the barely there bruise.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I said looking everywhere but his eyes.

“Did someone do this to you?” he asked finally catching my eyes.

“I said I don’t want to talk about it,” I said tearing my gaze from his as tears welled up in my eyes.

“Oh Gabby, don’t cry,” he said pulling me into a sitting up hug, “I’m just worried that’s all.”

“It’s fine, it’s nothing really,” I said brushing a few stray tears away, “And I’m sorry about all of this.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” he said hugging me tighter, “It’s probably better that we didn’t let ourselves get carried away anyways.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I said looking up at him, “Wouldn’t want to ruin our new best friendship!”

“Exactly,” he said laughing a little, “How about we just go to sleep? It’s getting late anyways.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” I said scooting up to the top of the bed, “Now don’t look, I’m only going to have on my bra and underwear when we sleep.”

“I’ll be in boxers,” he said covering his eyes, “If that’s fine with you.”

“That’s fine,” I said slipping my shoes and jeans off before climbing under the duvet, “I’m done now, you can climb in.”

Rian quickly kicked his shoes and jeans off, before sliding into bed next to me.

“I’m a cuddler, just so you know,” I said shifting to get comfortable.

“I love to cuddle,” he said putting his arms around me and pulling me closer.

“And this is why we’re best friends,” I said sleepily as I buried my face in his chest.

“That it is,” he said kissing the top of my head, “Night Gabby.”

“Night Rian.”

I felt his chest start to rise and fall at a steady beats, and in a matter of seconds I was lulled to sleep by his heartbeat.