Locked Doors


I felt every hair on my neck stand up, and gulped loudly.

“I asked where you were you slut,” my dad said storming into the room.

“I was at a friends,” I said looking at my feet, “I left you a note on the counter.”

“You know that shit doesn’t cut it,” he said laying his palm across my face harshly, “You just don’t get it do you?”

“I do, I just-“ I said before I was cut off again.

“Don’t fucking back talk me!” he said slapping my cheek with even more force than before, “You just want to get hurt don’t you?”

I tried to beg for him to stop, but he once again slapped the same place on my face. He then proceeded to hit me in my already bruised ribs, causing tears to fall from my eyes. He punched me one final time before slamming me into the wall. My head whipped back against it, and I could already feel a headache starting.

He gave me one final look of disgust, before grabbing his keys and going out the door. I silently thanked god that he was heading to a bar, or to some whore’s house, before letting all of my tear fall. I brought my hand to my face, and winced at the pain, and the heat radiating from it.

I silently got up from my slouched position on the floor and grabbed my bag before heading upstairs.

I threw my bag in my desk chair, before walking over to my floor length mirror. I rolled my shirt up slowly, and noticed that the bruise that was almost gone last night, was starting to turn blue and black again.

I mentally cursed myself, because I knew that everyone would asked what happened tonight when we got into the hot tub. Of course, I wouldn’t tell them the real reason, I didn’t want their pity.

I wiped away mascara tinged tears, before pulling out my phone, and checking it for the first time since I had left Rian’s house. I only had one text, and it was from Miranda telling me she’d see me in a few hours.

I checked my clock, and saw that it was only 2:30, and decided to take a nap. I set the alarm on my phone for 6, before falling into a much needed sleep.


A few hours later, I was awoken by Remember to Breathe, blaring through my phone. I groaned a little, before pushing myself off of the bed, and silencing the alarm.

I stretched a little, before realizing that I still reeked of alcohol. I decided that a shower was in order, so I walked over to my dresser so I could pick out my clothes.

I grabbed my black and blue buffalo checkered bikini, before walking into my bathroom. I started the shower, and hopped in, taking my time while washing up.

When I was finally done, I hopped out of the shower, dried off, and put on my robe. I slightly blow dried my hair, before pulling it up into a messy bun. I then put on minimal make-up, mostly to cover up the small bruise along my cheek bone.

When I looked at the clock again, I noticed that it was already almost 7, so I quickly pulled on my bikini, and black cover-up, before grabbing my purse and keys and heading out to my car.

Luckily, I did remember the way to Alex’s and was there only a few minutes late. Miranda had just pulled up as well, so I walked up to her car.

“Hey Miranda!” I said giving her a small wave, “Ready to hot tub it up?”

“Hell yeah. I love hot tubs!” she said laughing, “Who all is even going to be here?”

“Me, you, Alex, Rory, Zack and Rian,” I said as we walked up to the door.

“Alright, sweet,” she said as we knocked and waited for the door to be opened.

“Hey ladies,” Alex said as he opened the door, “We’re all out back already.

“Alright, Alex,” I said closing the door behind me, “And this is Miranda by the way.”

The two exchanged a quick greeting, before Miranda and I followed Alex out to his backyard.

“Whoa, this is prettier than I remember last night,” I said taking in his beautifully landscaped backyard.

“Do you remember anything from last night?” Alex said laughing at me.

“Vague moments,” I said as I took my cover up off, “And Miranda, I love your swimsuit.”

She was wearing a bright green and purple bikini, that was very revealing in the chest area.

“Thanks,” she said smiling, “They didn’t have the right size in the top, but I really wanted it, so I went down a size.”

We all let out a little laugh, before hopping into the hot tub.

“Alright Miranda, this is Rian and Zack,” I said pointing to the 2 boys already in the hot tub, “And you met Rory this morning.”

They all exchanged quick hellos, and we all dove into conversation. The current discussion was about Freddy Got Fingered, and how it was a classic comedy, with so many quotable moments.

Eventually, we all broke into our own conversations; Rian and myself, Zack and Miranda and Alex and Rory. Rian and I were talking about Colorado, and what I was going to miss the most about it.

“I think the local music scene,” I said sighing, “We had some really amazing bands from Denver.”

“We have a good scene here too,” Rian said smiling at me, “And I’m not saying that just because of our band.”

“Wait, what band!?” I said excitedly, “You never told me you were in a band! What’s it called?”

“Oops, slipped my mind,” he said laughing, “But we’re called All Time Low, and I play drums, Alex sings, Zack plays bass and Jack plays guitar.”

“That’s awesome. Now I just need to hear y’all,” I said smiling, “And it looks like Zack likes Miranda a little too much.”

Rian followed my line of sight, and knew exactly what I was talking. Zack and Miranda were talking about god knows what, but instead of looking in her eyes, Zack was staring directly at her chest.

“What a perv,” I said shuddering, “What is it with guys and boobs anyways? Wait, don’t answer that.”

“I wasn’t planning on it,” Rian said laughing.

For the rest of the night, the 6 of us hung out in Alex’s hot tub messing around and laughing. Of course Zack kept staring and Miranda’s chest and I couldn’t help to feel bad for Josie, because she would probably never be told about it.
♠ ♠ ♠

....sorry i had to celebrate :)
