Locked Doors


As soon as I heard my alarm go off, I groaned and cuddled into my blankets. For some reason, the air in my room felt colder than usual, and I wasn’t particularly happy about it.

I finally turned my alarm off, and slinked my way out of bed and over to my window. I noticed I had left it cracked open, and closed it. The sky was gray, and looked like it was promising rain, which caused a smile to erupt onto my face.

I had been living in Maryland for about 2 months now, and I loved almost every second of it. Especially now that it was Fall, and getting closer to Winter everyday. The weather had been chilly, and I was still waiting for the first snowfall to come.

I walked into my bathroom and ran a hand through my now rats nest looking hair. I guess that’s what happens when you go to sleep with wet hair. I decided to put it in loose barrel curls, and dug my curling iron out before going and finding something to wear.

After much debating, I had settled on a pair of light wash skinny jeans, a red lace-strap tank top, and a gray cardigan to go over top. I slid the jeans and tank top on, before walking back to my bathroom and running a brush through my hair. Although my hair reached my mid back, it wasn’t horribly thick, so I was able to do it all in about 15 minutes.

I put on a light dusting of makeup, before I pulled my cardigan on. Since I could tell it was going to be a rather chilly day, I dug my gray Ugg’s out of my closet before shoving my feet into them.

After I ate a quick breakfast I went out to my car, and started on my way to another monotonous day of school.


By the end of the day, it was easy to say that I was exhausted. As I sat in my final period, I was extremely bored. Not only did we have a substitute by Jack wasn’t there so I had no one to even socialize with.

I was doodling in my notebook, and listening to my iPod, when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I removed one of my ear buds, and turned to my left, coming face to face with a kid in my class I had never talked to.

“I’m guessing you have no friends here either?” he said earning a nod from me, “Well, I’m Jeremy Tombaugh. May I ask who you are?”

“I’m Gabby Solana,” I said fully pausing my music, “And yeah, my one friend in this class is gone. I guess Jack is sick or something.”

“Oh, you’re friend with Barakat? Cool, I’ve gone to school with him since 3rd grade,” he said smiling, “You must be new to this school Am I right? Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen before this year.”

“Yeah, I just moved here like 2 months ago from Colorado,” I said smiling at the thought of my old home.

“That’s awesome! Hey, I was wondering if you’d want to come to this party I’m having with some friends tonight? It’d be a great place for you to meet some more people!”

“Sure, why not!” I said smiling, “All I’ll need is a time to be there, and how to get there.”

“How about I just pick you up at about 8, and we’ll head there together?” he said flashing his smile once again.

“Sure, that sounds good,” I said returning the smile, “Here’s my address.”

I grabbed a pen and scribbled my address on Jeremy’s arm, right as the bell rang. We bid each other farewell, saying we’d see each other later. After that I threw all of my supplies into my bag and maneuvered my way through the crowded halls, and into the parking lot.

I aw Alex and Rory getting into his car, and we all exchanged a quick wave, before we got into our respective cars so we could head home.

Once I made it home, I knew I had to do some of my homework, or it would never be done this weekend. Thankfully, my dad was away on business this weekend, so I didn’t have to worry about having the house clean before he got home, or getting permission to go out tonight.

I sat down at the desk in my room and pulled out my calculus book starting on the large assignment we had to do. Once that was done, I started on my essay for English, but only got ¾ of the way done before I had to get ready for the party.

I decided to leave my hair how it was, but changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans and a bright blue v-neck. I touched up my makeup, and added a small accent of blue into my eye shadow. Just as I was grabbing my phone to put in my pocket, I heard a horn outside. I slipped on my blue vans, and walked into the crisp night air.

“Hey,” I said as I slid into the passenger seat of Jeremy’s overly fancy car.

“Hey Gabby,” he said smiling, “Ready to have fun tonight?”

“Of course I am,” I said laughing.

He joined in my laughter, and in about 15 minutes, we had arrived at the designated house. As soon as we entered the house, the smell of cheap beer attacked my nostrils.
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I'm sorry it took me so long!!!!
And funny story, I had this finished, but don't remember finishing it!

To make up for it, I'm writing the 2nd part of this chapter right now :)
