Descendants of the Seven

When Oz and Maeleau, two best friends who've known each other since pre-k, learn that Oz's cousin will be coming to their little town, they're nervous. They're both worried that Lyall will disrupt their friendship, especially Oz. But Oz has a good reason. He and Lyall share a secret- both of them are Shifters, descendants of one of the seven children blessed-or cursed- by their kidnapper, the Pied Piper. They shift into wolves at will, and neither want Maeleau to know. Unfortunately, Lyall and Maeleau mate, a powerful bond that both share and neither can resist. This impacts Maeleau's whole world, as Shifters can only mate with a Descendant. Maeleau, they learn, is a rare descendant of the most powerful of the Seven children, the Singer. And now, the Rakacharze, descendants of the Piper himself, are all after her.
  1. Meet our Family of Two
    Oz and Maeleau walking to school, to discover a weird, out of place object waiting for them.