All At Once.

Fort books.

"Why would you say that?" Margaret yelled. She stood up from her chair, heading for the door.

Ranger stood in her way. She tried to go around him, but he moved in front of her.

"I'm just trying to help you." He whispered, gesturing for Margaret to return to her seat. "Just stay, it'll be okay. I swear."

He smiled at her as they sat back down.


Ranger sat there quietly inside the book store. He took a sip from his cup of coffee, the warm sensation heating his chilled body. He flipped through the book he picked up off of the coffee table, in sheer coincidence he realized he could actually like it. He began to read, when suddenly a book came flying through the air hitting him roughly in the side of the head. He jolted forward, spilling coffee all over the open pages of the book. It was ruined. Not wanting to get caught and being forced to buy it, he place it back on a shelf subtly between a few books about the Korean war.
He approached the counter of the coffee shop located in the middle of the store, taking a napkin and patting the wet patches on his coat.
A woman approached him from behind the counter. Handing him a wet cloth.

"I saw you spill the drink... It's okay, I wont tell anyone." She winked and went right back to making coffee.

There was alot of yelling coming from behind a door to the left of the coffee counter. The door was marked "Staff Only". The yelling was muffled, but Ranger could tell it was a male and female fighting. He wondered what it was all about.
He returned to his seat, taking another sip from his drink and began pondering about life. When the yelling became clearer, he turned to find that the pair had moved to the middle of the store. Grabbing the attention of most of the customers.

"No Air! Okay? I wont do it." the woman yelled at the man who was trying to hush the stares of the customers.

"Do you have to be so.. So.. Difficult Gravity?" the man asked, his voice getting quiter as the sentence went on. "Can't you.. Just.. Just.. I don't know.. Do what I ask? Once. Just once."

The woman just stared blankly at the man. Ranger turned away, then turned back quickly to find the woman sobbing. Ranger stood up and headed over to the pair. The man tried placing his hand on the womans shoulder, but she just flinched. He pulled back.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Ranger asked, with a caring tone to his voice.

The woman just shook her head and continued to sob.

'Nothing." the man replied harshly, "Just employee matters. Nothing to do with you."

"Everything has something to do with me." Ranger smiled, "Here, take this. Give me a call. I can help."

Ranger handed the woman a business card and proceeded to leave the store.

The woman, or Gravity as she was known by most people. Flipped the card over, and read it allowed. "Ranger Bryant, physcologist, counciler, friend. Always there to talk to."

She chuckled to herself, stuffing the card into her pocket.

"Just get back to work. Okay?" Air said, walking back into the staff area.

Gravity just muttered something resembling 'yes' and headed off to her cash register.