Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

The Beginning

And so it begins.

I love this I love this I love this. Kept replaying in my head as I listening gleefully to the music playing from the amplifiers in the arena. My hand was in the air waving my lighted cell phone back and forth with hundreds of other people as the deep raspy voice of Ryan Ross sang Behind the Sea.

I was here, by myself, alone, with no parents, seeing Panic at the-fucking-Disco live. By myself.

I dont know how I had managed to convince my strict, stuck up parents, to let me do this but i had managed it somehow and i couldnt have been happier at that moment.


However this part, I could so without. I thought as I was being pushed and ushered 'calmly' out of the arena by three burly looking latino security guards. I gritted my teeth angrily, about ready to sock the next person who tried to shove me, as I flung off some strangers arm;whom I assumed had had it there by accident.

I apparently was wrong.

I grunted angrily tossing my tosseled brown hair over my shoulder in attempt to look at my sea urchin.

I glared at the wirey man. He had the appearance of a man who had once been overweight once, but lost the poundage in a short time period. Cracked glasses sat on his nose and he looked like he hadnt shaved in a week.

"Exuse me! Do you mind releasing my arm sum bag?"I spitted through my teeth, once again flinging his arm off me in disgust.

I walked away at a faster pace, eager to find a gas station or something so I could call someone to pick me up. My airey and light hearted mood had faded quickly when I realized I couldnt get an autograph because i too far back in the crowd. Whiney, I know, but i ran on a short fuse, and it didnt take alot to light it these days.

I finally exited the crowds of the concert and was walking quickly down a sidewalk to a gas station that I could see down the road when a hand, the same one, grabbed my arm again. I couldve spit fire.

I spun around and punched the man hard in the stomach and kneed him hard in the croctch while yelling angrily."Hey! I said back off asshole!"I yelled before turning around and colliding painfully with another man, this one reasonably larger.

I made a face which clearly said 'really?' and threw an arm out gesturingonce again 'really?'.
"Youve got to be kidding me? So what are you going to throw my into your van now?"I asked angrily crossing my arms and trying to slide my way to the left so I could run away.

I didn't get an answer, nor did i really expect one. But i was still pissed when i was punched in the back, smacked upside the face, then tossed to the ground like a piece of litter.

I dont really remember what happened after that except i was relatively cold and i heard alot of yelling.

I awoke inside a closed area that was shaking just the slightest. I might have screamed if I wasn't so comfortable. The thing i was laying on, a bed i presume, was incredibly soft. And it was wonderfully dark in here, wherever 'here' was. I figured i might as well get up and make sure i wasnt in jail, or in the crack house or something.

I lifted my head up and cracked my forehead on the cieling which was really low. I whispered a curse word angrily and stuck my feet out of the curtain and rolled out. Expecting to find solid ground, I was mistaken. Apparently i was higher up then ground level seeing as I landed painfully on my back with a loud thud and an even louder swear.

Looking up I could see that I was in a bunk bed type thing. It occured to me that I had the top one. I didn't bother getting up seeing as I was dizzy and I didn't have the motivation to move yet. Untill a tall lanky boy wandered into the hallway of endless bunks with a curious expression on his face.

I screamed, for what reason i dont really know. This was definitly not the same man as last night. And He had apparently supplied me with a bed. I just really needed to scream to express all the shock i guess.

So my scream seemed to have caused a chain reaction.The tall man yelled in suprise and fell backwards onto his butt, I heard a deep, calming voice call, 'Guess shes awake now.', and the house, or whatever i was in swerved.

I jumped up at the same time he did, me more graceful seeing as i was on my back.

"Where am I? Who are you? What's going on!?"I yelled at the brown haired man who was now holding onto the walls beside him. Four other men had appeared behind him staring at me like an animal at the zoo. All except one had brown hair and were skinny. The other man was large, and bald.

"Calm down, your alright now. Come into the lounge and we'll explain everything alright?"Said one of the men behind the first one, the one with the deep voice. Fo some reason this calmed me. I sighed and nodded, following the five strange men to the 'lounge' or whatever.

I didnt realize who they were, where i was, or what was going on untill i sat down and looked out the window and saw everything moving by at seventy miles per hour.
♠ ♠ ♠
heres a little info on the little devil *cough cough* me.
any information in this story will not be real, cept for my first name, due to safety reasons.
Mallory Brooke--Almost Fifteen. Female [duh]. Brunette. Medium-length hair. Layered oddly, very think. Side bangs. Amber coloured eyes in just about every mood but extreme sadness. Grey when that mood is felt. 5'7. 135 pounds. Skinny. Caloused fingers from three years of guitar playing. Plays a Gretsch, electric blue firebird. Youngest of three sisters. Mother and Father. Rode horses for ten years. Writes. Rebellious because of her strict christian parents. Wants to travel the world in a tour bus with her band one day.