Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

Converse with my Converse

Everything seemed like it was on fast-forward or something.

I didn't really know what was going on.

I knew that I had gotten a migraine earlier that day, from being out at the beach for seven hours no doubt, and that I had fainted or something.

Because now I was in what I recognized as a hospital. It was almost pathetic how I recognized the place.

I sorta remember riding in an ambulance with Ryan, and him saying something about Brendon freaking out.

And then me freaking out because Paramedics were trying to strap me down to a gurney.

And then,


That was it.

It was like having one of those dreams where when you wake up, your one hundred percent sure you remember it perfectly, but when you try to think about it you can't recall any details.

But your sure it happened.

That was how I felt.

I could hear whispers of voices, and glances of blurred faces.

But other than that I felt like I was just having a black dream.

Obviously not remembering anything but I was still pretty sure I was alive.

It was all pretty weird.

Sometimes I'd feel perfectly normal and even ask questions.

One day I was really confused so I asked whoever was in my room what day it was.

"Hey, you."I heard it clearly in my mind, but when she turned around she looked sincerely confused.

"What day is it?"I proceeded to ask. But she just shook her head and left the room.

I tried to move my arms but couldn't.

They just wouldn't move one little centimeter.

And quite frankly, it sucked. Big time.

So I did what I thought was fitting at that time.

I swore.

Really Loud.

"God Dammit!"I yelled squeezing my eyes shut.

"What the fucks going on?"I said, quieter this time.

I wondered where Brendon was before I fell back into sleep, or whatever was happening to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So frankly I dint know what to make of this.
I don't know what I was even writing here, honest to god I cant tell you whats wrong with her because i thought it'd be lame if i just wrote "and she was fine and Brendon and Jon took her back to the bus."
Bogus, so work with the drabbles and nonsense alright dolls?
oh and, HELLO?? this is my favorite story! WHY do i only have TWO subscribers? "god bless you two"
but cmon!
i feel bad :(