Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

We all go to Hell.

Brendon was crying, Victoria was crying, Nate was crying, Hell I think I was crying.

They wouldn't let us see her.

And they wouldn't tell us why.

So my bandmates and I, Cobra starship, and Zach, were all shooed out (or carried out in Brendons case) of the hospice by frazzled looking nurses and one really big guy.

And we could see her when the doctors had figured out what was wrong with her.

That was a month ago.

So it had been a month and one week since she had been awake.

And it was miserable. We had dropped out of the last week of tour because Brendon was hardly talking anymore, let alone singing. And to be honest, no one really wanted to perform either.

We didn't even know what was wrong with her either, I suspected it had to do with her brain, but I didn't have the guts to tell Brendon. He was torn up as it is.

We were all staying at my house untill the doctors phoned us. And it was pretty crowded too, I only had two bedrooms.

But no one wanted to be the one to stay at a hotel and miss the phone call by some chance.

I guess it was for the best too, seeing as the doctors called the day after Spencer almost got a room.

" 'Lo?"Brendon answered the phone in a tired voice, it being ten thirty and past his bed time.

I could hear the doctors voice on the other line because we had been watching a movie and Brendon was laying on top of me.

And not, in top of me, in the terms of his legs on me, but in the terms of, Brendon was laying on top of my body, so I could not move.

But I digress.

"Yes this is Doctor Parley, from the James memorial hospital." Brendon had dropped the phone but luckily it landed on me so I had time to respond quickly.

"Y-yeah, yeah this is Ryan speaking, what news do you have? Is she better? Can you tell us whats happening?"I asked breathlessly and a little hot seeing as Brendon had his face pressed against mine in an attempt to hear the doctor better.

"Well, we do have a confirmed disgnostic, it is not contagious like we thought so you may come and see her. And she is begginning to respond to our treatments, but we would like you, her, uh legal guardians I assume, to come here tommarrow at eight o clock to discuss matters in person if that is alright."

I hastily agreed hanging up the phone and letting it fall to the floor, not even bothering to push Brendon off of me.
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short yes, and im sorry its been a while, Ive been out and about [for once] this week.
And i put this in Brendons POV because i didnt know what to make her sick with ^_^ hehe.
OH and thank you subscribers! but still i have like 45 readers and only six subscribers? tut tut, more from you=more from me ;D