Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

Heart is a Bloom

"Fuck you! I wanna go back to sleep!"I cursed at the nurse who was trying to pull of covers and feed me my medicine or whatever it was.

She bit her lip and looked like she wanted to stamp her foot, but thought better of it.

"Please! Don't curse, other patients are here."She quietly reprimanded. I rolled my eyes and pulled the blankets back over my head.

"And they would be more happy if you'd just let everyone swear and go to the toilets when they had to take a piss."I jeered from under the covers, which she was trying to pry from my clenched hands.

I finally heard the dissatisfied sigh and the stomp of a foot before hearing her exit the room.

I sighed and tossed off the covers before picking up the small pill and walking over to the window.

I eased it open an inch or so and flicked the small pill out of the window.

I didn't really know what it was for, and I wasn't going to be forced to take it.

The door to my room opened and a male nurse whom I knew as Nathan stood on the other side smiling.

"Ahh, see your finally up. Don't know what Rebecca is always complaining about, you seem pretty manageable right now."He said like Rebecca was right behind me.

I just waved and plopped down onto my crinkly bed.

"Hey Nathan, what day is it?" I questioned the young man.

He shrugged and flicked on the light switch.

"Hmmm, I don’t know, but I think today is," He checked his bare wrist, "Your release day?" He answered nonchalantly.

My eyes widened.

"No shit?!"I yelled, hopping up from my seat. He grinned and nodded.

"No shit. So you have, four dads?" He asked curiously. I nodded quickly and tried to push past him at the door.

"Are all of them here?"I questioned, managing to peak around his shoulder and down part of the hallway.

Nathan gently pushed me back into the room and smiled.

"Well, there are a lot of them. I think they're all men too? Except for maybe one."He told me, raising an eyebrow.

"You have a lot of family." I just nodded. "Yeah, guess I do."


My eyes kept darting to Brendon as I tried to fill out the release forms as fast as possible without making mistakes. Spencer was helping some too, but it was mainly me doing all of the paperwork.

The four of us, Cobra, William and Sisky, Pete and Patrick, and Hayley were all sitting in the waiting room; all of us doing something different and equally annoying.

I think William and I were the only ones sitting still.

And every few minutes a finger or hand would gently nudge my shoulder, or tab the top of my head.

“Ry?” A timid voice asked. I sighed and slapped the clipboard on my knee.

“No, Brendon, I am not done yet.” I replied to his unanswered question without even looking up.

I felt a warm arm lay itself on my shoulder and I felt myself relax a little.

“Ryan?” He asked again.

I closed my eyes.

“What Bren?”

“Let me help please?” He asked softly, taking the board out from underneath my hands, my skin tingled when I felt our hands touch.

“Yeah, yeah alright.”

Brendon and Spencer must have been really bad at doing paperwork because I had actually fallen asleep while they were filling things out. I was awoken by a rough hand shaking me.

“Dude, get up! Come on lazy ass, you can sleep when you’re dead!”I recognized the voice as Spencer’s and smiled.

“Don’t use my favorite quote against me in a hypocritical manner Spin, that’s not fair.”I said. He just rolled his eyes and smiled.

“Well get up, they’re going to release her in a second.”

Brendon and Pete looked extremely excited. They were sitting together on a poor example of a couch and both were doing some crazy ADD thing with their feet. It was pretty adorable to watch. Brendon, one of my best friends; biting his nails and his eyes wide with anticipation, and the Pete; the older man acting just like the twenty one year old, brown eyes shining, teeth formed into a permanent smile.

Everyone knew why Brendon loved her so much, he was just a loving person, and he loved taking care of someone. But then Pete, we don’t really know. He just clicked with her or something.

It could’ve been the fact that Ashlee was pregnant with their baby and he was feeling extra fatherly, or maybe it was just because Pete loved kids, even the adolescent hormonal teenage ones.

He wouldn’t admit it but he was secretly hoping for a girl. I heard him tell Patrick one night on tour. That was why he didn’t want the doctors to tell him yet; we think he was saving himself the disappointment.

Nathan was carrying my small bag that had been brought with me and was following behind me at a slow pace, on purpose.

I pulled on his arm, willing him to run with me but he just shook his head.

“I’m not getting suspended because one little girl wanted me to run with her on the way to the waiting room.” He said laughing. I stuck my tongue out.

“Well, guess I’ll just have to go without you!”I yelled sprinting down the hallway, my bare feet padding against the cold tiled floors.

“Hey!”I heard him call out from behind me, but I didn’t really care, I was going home.
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please dont hate me D:
school started and i started playing videogames and drawing and IM SORRY! *hides*
please enjoy this :3