Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

I'm not street

I was running barefoot down a hospital hallway in skinny jeans and a baggy tank top with my hair looking like who knows what. I couldn't even remember the last time I had brushed it.

I could imagine i looked quite a site though.

I spotted a sign that said 'waiting room' pointing in the direction I was going and a burst of adrenaline shot through me, increasing my already quick pace.


It happened kinda fast.

I heard a light padding of feet before I saw anything. And then out of nowhere a girl jumped out from behind the corner, latching herself onto the nearest person, which was Gabe, with a small noise that sounded like a cheesy noise they made in old Anime cartoons.

"Woah Shit!" Replied a very surprised Gabe in reaction to the young girl clinging to him.

It took everyone a second to register what was going on and then the whole crew jumped up from their seats and proceeded to cluster around Gabe and his leech.

Pete started to pry her off of Gabe before bear hugging her so her feet weren't even on the ground. And then Brendon, me, Jon and Spencer. And everyone else took turns squeezing the life out of her, all the while the only noise she was making were these excited little squealing noises and a few names in the same pitch.

Brenny! Bilvy! Ryro!

Not to mention no one had called me that in years.

All in all it was quite a lovely reunion.

In the end Brendon stole her back from Hayley and Victoria, placing her upon his shoulders, with Bill and Jon on either side in case Brendon dropped her, God Forbid.

We managed to fit everyone but Sisky and Hayley into our van,and that was only because they were going home. But other than that, the whole gang piled into our old VW Van, Brendon and Jon actually sitting in the very back.

We prayed we didn't get pulled over.

And we didn't.

We arrived at Brendon's house about an hour later, deciding we would a small party and then figure out when she was staying with whom.

"So we figured you'd want to stay with Brendon for a while, seeing as school is starting soon and you too seem really close." Spencer said in a very business like tone.

Her eyes widened at the term school.

"High school..."She seemed to say more to herself than anything.

"All of you're friends are back in north Carolina."Brendon stated, looking over at her face which was distant, like she had zoned out.

"Yeah, I guess I can re-start here. I've never been the new kid before."She said, looking around the room.

"So I guess we can just take turns every three weeks with you bunking with us, if you wanna." I said, writing all of this down in a composition book.

"Hey!"Gabe shouted from across the room.

"Hey!"Mallory shouted back, for no reason I guess.

"What about us?"He asked. I shrugged. "What of it?"

"Well, we'd like to chill with the little Nina' sometimes too, you can't always tug her along on tour ya know."He argued

"He's got a point."Patrick said, after being silent for the while two hours we had been here.

"Can't we get, weekends or something?"Pete questioned.

Brendon and I turned to face each other, glancing down at the girl in between us.

"Hey, you're expecting, you don't need another kid."William said.

Amid all the arguing we heard someone clear their throats.

Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at Mallory.

"I'm still here ya know."She said shrugging her shoulders, as if we had forgotten.

Everyone in the room inwardly blushed and a wave of guilt flowed over the room.

"Despite the fact that I am a fourteen year old girl, and I don't have most rights yet, I still have opinions, and I think I should get a say in the matter."She said matter-o-factly.

"What do you think?"Victoria asked.

"Frankly I don't really care, I would love to stay with all of you equally as long as I don't have to change schools all the time or whatever. I just wanted to have my say in the matter." She said smiling slightly.

We settled on her staying with Brendon for two weeks, me for two weeks, Spencer, Jon, for two weeks. And after every two weeks one week would be for whoever felt like taking her in for a week, and repeat the cycle.

I didn't like the idea of juggling her around like some kid with divorced parents, but she said didn't mind, she liked change.

So it was settled, and that was how it would be.
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Woah shit, I don't update anything anymore do i?
Ha ha, sorry loves.
This is the only thing I really care about at the mo'
I will update This town and Saporta EVENTUALLY but not now.