Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

Your losing your mind again.

The boys had told me everything. It was a shock to me seeing as I blacked out before anyone came to help me.

Zach, the bodygaurd, and Brendon had apparently heard screaming and alot of profanities from the bus area and went to investigate, finding me unconscience and my shirt ripped open.

By this point they didn't go into detail because I was horribly embarressed by the fact that strangers had seen me half naked and not aware of the fact.

They, or rather Brendon told me he was explaining most of this seeing as he was there, told me that the two guys were now currently in jail and that I wouldn't have to go and prove as a witness in court.

I was sitting silently in an arm chair with my legs underneath me not looking at anyone the whole time this was being explained. I was mortally embarresed for starters. And not to mention i was sitting on a moving bus with five (or more they could have roadies) strangers alone, and i was the only girl.

I cleared my throat slightly, signaling my turn to speak.

"When do I get to go home?"I asked in a low, soft voice that was unlike my own; sneaking a glance up only to find five sets of eyes on me and I quickly lowered them again.

I did however see and feel, the tension and awkwardness rise. If that was possible. I heard a small cough and someone mumble an 'uh.' I dared another look around the room.

"Well, as selfish as this may sound, we can't just stop our tour kid,"Zach started but I immediately raised my head up, feeling offended. I held a hand up.

"Sorry but, I'm not 'kid', I'm Mallory."I said shortly staring deeply at the carpet on the floor. He mumbled a sorry and continued.

"Anyways, so we were in South Carolina last night, and now were in Georgia, then Tennesee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland." He ruled off the states and my ears caught one of the states, sort of like when the teacher calls role and you feel like your name is ten times louder than everyone elses? Sort of like that.

He looked like he was going to continue but I spoke again in that tiny, un-me voice. "When will we be in North Carolina?"I asked no one in particular. For some reason whenever I spoke everyone looked at me like it was amazing that I could talk. It was innerving in a way. I cracked after about a minute of silence.

"Uh, not to sound anymore rude than I already do, but why are you all looking at me like that?"I asked questioningly. They all seemed to snap out of it.

"Uh well, from what we heard last night, you uh-Kinda sound like a man."He said rubbing the back of his neck. "In a girl way though."He finished quickly. I chose to ignore that.

"Well yeah, my voice is actually kinda loud and pretty deep seeing as I'm a chick."I agreed waving my hand for effects like I usually did.

Out of nowhere I heard a low chuckle. My eyebrows raised slightly and me, along with everyone else, looked in the direction of the sound. Which was Ryan.

He looked around like a deer in the headlights. "What?"He asked innocently.

"Why'd you giggle?"Jon asked cocking his head. He blushed a little.

"I dont giggle jon, and if you must know it was because she talking with her hands, which Brendon does when he's drank alot of Red Bull."Ryan replied crossing his arms.

Zach was wearing an expression between annoyance and amusement. He shook his head and returned his gaze to me.

"Whatever, anyway ki- Mallory, we'll be in NC in like a week, eight days tops. Is that where you live?"He asked. I nodded vigourosly. Hoping I could return home soon, but a small part in the back of my head was cursing the short time I had with my favourite band.

"Alright, So we'll be in Charlotte in abouta week. I'm going to do other stuff, like sleeping. Dont, fall out the window or anything..."He finished, picking himself off the couch and leaving the room.

I was still absorbed in the sqaushy chair, eyes slightly wider than normal, gazing at all of the things in the lounge room. The awkwardness in the room was almost unbearable. I couldve jumped up and hugged Spencer when he broke the silence.

"So I'm assuming you need to call your parents, or whoever, to tell them what the hell's going on, am I right?"He asked, looking anywhere in the room but me. Personally, I didnt mind.

My mouth made an oh shape and I jumped up from the chair cursing.

"Shit shit shit, your right."I said more to myself than anything else. I could tell from the look on Brendon's face he didnt think a fourteen year old girl should be cursing that much. I patted my pockets for my cell phone, not succeding in finding it. Only then realizing I was wearing a large t shirt and large pajama pants. I blushed crimson again, too modest for my own good.

I turned around back to face the boys but they answered my unasked question. Brendon reached behind him and tossed me my dad's old motorolla, black, flip phone. He smirked as he did so.

"I'm guessing you didnt pick that one out?"He asked smiling. I grinned shrugging. "Gotta love cheap parents you know?"I said smiling, finally speaking in my normal, deep and as Spencer said, man like, voice.

I walked out of the room into the hallways where I had slept and sat in one of the bunks, ringing up my mom's number.

"M-mom?I asked, the phone picking up on the first half ring. I nearly dropped my phone when I heard a shriek and a cry.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? I KNEW WE SHOULDNT HAVE LET YOU GO-"She screamed through the phone. I held it down by my side while she screamed and just sighed.

Ryan poked his head around the corner and gestured towards the ranting cell phone, raising an eyebrow. "Im giving her a minute."I replied giving the still screaming phone a gentle shake. He nodded an left, and i couldve sworn i hear himchuckling slightly.

I held the phone back to my ear, atleast the mouth peice. "mom? Mom, mom,"I said calmly. Apparently not breaking through to her. "Mom? If you dont stop im hangin up." She stop yelling abruptly. I cleared my throat.

"Now, I am aware whats going on so please dont tell me that ive been gone all night and that i havent called because i know. And im going to have to ask you not to interupt, at all alright mom?"I told her calmly.

She obliged and I jumped in to the story.

She hated it. She yelled some more, she agrued, she got my dad, and my sister on the phone. They hated it. But there wasn't anything they could do. They were flying to California right now.

Grudgengly, un-willingly, they agreed to let them, panic at the disco, keep me for that week and then meet them in Charlotte in a week. But apparently this was all my fault and I was grounded when they got back.

I held in the smrt remarks untill she hung up. "Yeah sorry mom that you let me go to a concert alone and that some pedophiles tried to rape me, its all my fault I cant fight off a four hundred pound man, please yeas, ground me for my ignorance and stupidity!"I ranted angrily as I walked back to the lounge, taking my seat in the sqaushy arm chair again a frown plastered on my face and my arms crossed tightly across my chest.

All four brunette boys were looking at me expectantly witht their eyebrows raised, Rock of love bus with Bret Michaels playing in the background from the hanging plasma tv.

"Well...."Brendon asked, draggin out the "el" part. I smiled a little and raised an eyebrow. "Can you stay?"He asked leaning forward over Ryan making Ryan looked like he swallowed a bug.

I grinned all teeth. "Yup."
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this is all i got so far and i need to update some crap on deviant art and quizilla so give a few days.