Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

I couldn't possibly think of a better way to spend my week than with one of my favorite bands. Every night I got to listen to them play live and sometimes a few others as well. Some would think that this would get boring. But I assure you, it didn't.

Along with hanging out with Panic at the Disco all the time, I also got to meet every other god forsaken band on the FBR and decayadance label.

Cobra starship, fall out boy, the hush sound, paramore, the academy is..., gym class heroes, everyone. It was amazing. I really liked talking to Vicky-T from cobra Hayley from paramore and Greta from the hush sound to most, I guess it was because we were the only girls on the tour.

Even though i had, had super crushes on William Gabe Ryan Brendon and Pete when I was younger. Now that I was with them alot I realized how weird it was to have a crush for someone ten years older than you, or more in Pete and Gabe's case. So now it was more like just hanging out with all of my dude friends again, except you know all of these dudes either had amazing voices or were musical geniuses.

So on the sixth day of my stay I was awoken by loud music playing from the parking lot which I quickly recognized as The Beatles. I rubbed my eyes and flicked my wrist to check the time, it was six thirty.

No one got up at six thirty.

No one.

I threw off my sheets and hopped agilely down from the bunk, landing with a dull thud.

I poked my head into the studio and into the lounge and everywhere was empty.

"Where the hell is everyone?"I asked no one. I finally decided to check outside.

And to be honest I wish I hadn't.

I opened to door to find all of panic, fob, cobra, TAI and some other bands all standing around a big fire howling with laughter and drinking beer. I growled in frustration and rolled my eyes.

"Haaay!"Someone from The Friday Night Boys called and tried to wave me over. I didn't budge. He just laughed like an idiot, which made everyone else laugh even more.

"Come have a beer kiddo!"Another man whom I recognized as Chizzy from TAI called to me. I made a face and scoffed.

"Hello? I'm fourteen. Thats not legal, and second of all, everyone shut the hell up! It's not even seven yet!"I yelled slamming the door.

After I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV I heard a female voice yell to someone.

"She can't have beer shes like, twelve! Stupid!"I think it was Vicky's but I couldn't be sure. I just rolled my eyes and settled down to watch a movie on comedy central.


Ten to twelve hours later everyone from Panic at the Disco, Cobra Starship, William and Adam, Pete, Patrick and Joe were asleep soundly in Panic's bus.

Brendon and Ryan were laying entangled in each other on the love seat, Ryan holding Brendon loosely to his chest and a small smile on their lips.

Pete and Joe were slumped against the chair were Patrick was snoozing.

Gabe, William, sisky and Nate were piled on top of each other on the sofa, drool falling from their lips. Vicky-T and Mallory were laying comfortably in another chair, brown hair astray. Alex and Ryland were in someones bunk. And Jon Spencer and Zach were also in their bunks, snoring loudly.

Everyone, besides the young girl, were sleeping off their hangovers happily oblivious to everything around them.

All seemed well.


Possibly around ten or eleven o clock pm everyone except for the four panic boys and the girl had left mumbling a thanks while rubbing their pounding heads or their pulsing stomachs.

Spencer was sprawled out on the sofa, taking up the whole space with Ryan and Brendon still occupying the love seat and Jon in the chair opposite from Mallory, telling her how sorry they were for being so embarrassing and rude. She just waved her hand non chalontly as if she had gone through these things all the time.

She just smiled and told everyone how next time they just shouldn't play the Beatles. The four brunette boys agreed happily.

She smiled and settled into her seat realizing she was wearing Brendon's shirt, which fit just about right, Ryan's pants, which were too small, and Gabe's purple hoodie, which smelt like Axe and smoke.

Content, her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep with the scent of bonfire lingering in the air.
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Sorry for the crappy filler, after like a month of not updating. :P
something bigs coming up next chapter so don't worry, if you were.