Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

I hide behind these words

I'm not going to try and describe how the funeral went because honestly, it was horrible. Brendon cried and he had never even met the people. One person's funeral is bad enough but when you have to go to one for four people, then it's pretty unbearable.

We all knew that we couldn't keep her with us, we just couldn't. Keeping a child isn't like keeping care of a puppy. Something that Brendon doesn't get.

We discussed the matter late one night when she was asleep.

"Where is she going to go? Huh?"Brendon demanded in a hushed voice, pounding his fist onto his thigh. I shook my head silently.

"We just, can't keep a child with us Brendon, there-there's no way."Jon chimed in, consongingly patting his friends shaking shoulder. Brendon shooed it away.

"Why not? She doesn't have anyone else, she'd be going to a group home or something!"He pleaded. "I can't let that happen, I just, can't."He whispered, grabbing onto my arm fiercefully.

I hadn't said a word the whole arguement. I was afraid if I opened my mouth I'd start yelling and agree with Brendon.

I swear I saw tears in his eyes for a moment, but I mustve imagined them because I blinked and his face was stone hard again.

"C'mon! You guys keep me alive dont you?"He said as a last ditch for a side in the agruement. I smiled, I couldnt help it. He grinned and released my arm.

"Brendon, we can think about it, one more time, but it really isn't likely.'I finished the little meeting we had and stood up, ambling over to the bunks.

I could almost hear Jon shaking his head at me once again giving in the Brendon. Something-somethign about him, just made me vulnerable. I couldn't place it.

As the last day of her stay dawned on us no one talked about her going home. For two reasons.

One, we didn't want her to leave. Greta and Victoria were in tears when we told them she wasn't around for the whole tour.

and two, we weren't sure of where she was going yet.

"Hey guys, were arriving at the venue. After the show were taking a van down to uh-"Zach nodded towards her,"her place, and uh-yeah..."He backed out of the room leaving a horrible silence in his place.

A small cough could be heard.

We all looked up from our shoes to the young girl sitting in the recliner, with dark brown hair in a sideways bun and with Brendons too-big pants on instead of hers.

"What's going to happen to me?"She whispered, though it was plenty loud.

Brendon made a funny sound and got up from his seat next to Spencer and left the room, mumbling something like 'bathroom' under his breath. Jon shook his head slowly.

She seemed to understand as she nodded quickly and sucked in her lips. She stood up quickly, knocking the pillow she was holding onto the floor.

"I'm gonna go talk a walk. I-I'll be back before you're done."She stated, exiting the bus quietly.

I heard crying coming from the bathroom as I left the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
so im going to work in the "panic break up" if i call it that, into my story just for fun and because this is fiction and i can do what i want.
And just for the record, this would only ever happen if all of my other five hundred family members died too x]