Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

Dude lets go pack

The show was boring for us, and sad because it was all dark and stormy. Brendon didn't say anything besides "hello" and "goodbye" basically. I felt bad for the kids, but then I thought of the kid we already kind of had and the guilt vanished.

I walked up to Brendon after the show.

"Bren? You okay?"I asked placing my hand on his shoulder gently, half expecting him to throw it off. He nodded forcefully and faked a smile.

"I-I, yeah, yeah Im okay."He replied, voice cracked. His smile vanished and he shook his head rapidly.

"no, im sorry, i lied."He admitted, attatching his arms around me, burrying his head into my neck.

"You never were a good liar."I told him, returning the hug, grateful for the contact from my best friend.

He sniffed some and loosened his hug. "I know."

The ride to her house was quiet and peaceful. I fell asleep on the window, Brendon fell asleep on me, and Mallory fell asleep on Brendon. I'm Pretty sure Jon fell asleep on Spencer but I wasnt sure.

Four hours after we left the venue we arrived at a small two story house with a mini-van parked out in front with the letters Children of the Lord on it and two ladies dressed in nun outfits waiting out in front of it. Brendon had his arm around her shoulder and his face was white. He didn't seem capable of speech right now.

"Your Christian?"I blurted. She frowned as if remembering something. "No."

The women were from social services, they were, as Brendon said, going to keep her at a group home untill she was 18. I felt terrible as we sat down in her living room with the two women as she went to pack.

It was cramped in the small room with seven people. Spencer was sitting on the floor, and I was pretty sure Brendon was crying. I wanted to get up and atleast help her pack but I couldnt bear myself to get up.

She came downstairs with a guitar case and a duffel bag. She wasnt allowed to take all of her things to the home.It wasnt fair to the kids who ahd been there theyre whole lives. The guilt was crushing me.

Brendon was hopping from foot to foot as we walked outside and loaded her things into the car.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"I asked him. He shook his head. "I cant let this happen, Ryan do something!"He pleaded with big eyes, grabbing onto my shirt. I bit my lip as they opened the door allowing her inside the van.

Thoughts were going through my head.

"Wait on second!"I yelled at the nearest woman.

I took her aside.

"I know its pretty late notice, but uh can we k-keep her? Like adopt her?"I asked, involuntarily placing my hands in a praying position. The nun looked back at her, her head was poking out of he van trying to see what we were doing, and then she looked back, smiling.

"I think, we can make an exception."She answered nodding and patting my shoulder.

Brendon squeled and jumped up and down. He actually bounded all the way to the van and grabbed her by the arm and started jumping around with her.

She looked uterly confused but she didnt stop.

"W-whats going on?"She yelled over Brendon's "yay"s. He grinned and kissed her forehead.

"Your staying with us!"He yeleld back even though there was nothing to yell over.

Her face broke out in a grin and she stopped jumping and looked seriouly at all of us, still gripping onto brendons hands.

"Seriously?"She demanded at the nuns. The older one nodded and smiled.

"Seriously."He mimicked.

She shrieked and started jumping and down with Brendon again excitedly both of them chanting "Yay"s with a newfound force.

"Now you'll have to fill out these forms."The old nun told me, yelling over Brendon and Mallory, handing me some files.

"And we will check up on you every six months to make sure youre doing a fair job. Taking car of a child is no easy matter and one last thing."She took off her glasses.

"Can I have your autograph?"She questioned, causing mine and Spencers mouths to drop.

She waved her hands at our expressions.

"Close your mouths, its rude."She snapped. We did so quickly.

"My Granddaughter,"She pulled out a peice of paper and pen from her purse, "Loves your band,er, Panicing at the Disco?"She told us."She has posters you know."She said this like it was an amazing feat that only her Granddaughter was capable of.

We smiled and signed the paper, Brendon filling it out with hearts and 'xoxo'x he was so pysched.

The woman turned around and shook her finger at us beforeing entering the van.

"Dont forget to mail those to us! And make sure, to come back to Charlotte! My Granddaughter would, love to see you."And with they drove away, leaving us in shock.

"Dude can you believe that old lady almost got your name right?"Mallory said while laughing as we ran back to her house to pack for real this time.
♠ ♠ ♠
There will be "rydon rydon" at the end, but just little moments like so for a while.
God im tired though, longer chapter next time. Sorry its like one here and thats late for me.
RIP panic