Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

Hang me out to dry

It had been two weeks since, she became our 'daughter'. I still wasnt used to that.

Frankly because we were four dudes who adopted a teenage girl whom we had known for only ten days. We couldnt really call her our child and we didnt ask her to call us 'dad' either, thatd be too weird. I was like seven when she was born anyways.

We werent really her parents, we were just legally in charge of her for four and half more years. Brendon was said that he wasnt going to have more time with her while she was young, but he wasnt complaining, this was his idea anyways.

We had decided that she was mainly going to live at Brendon's house.

Mostly because she and him had a really good relationship, and secondly because Brendon was single.

But she would still visit me, Jon, and Spen too. And maybe even stay the weekend with Victoria or Greta if she wanted too.

Mallory had become the Fueled by Ramen's adopted daughter to say the least. She was still a little shy around William and Pete. It wasnt really suprising, she had had 'crushes' on them, and myself too, but she still got nervous around the two of them sometimes.

It was all good though, Gabe had jokingly deemed her as the Pretty Odd's love child. It was just a teasing gesture, but it seemed perfectly fitting.

The day after we, adopted her, we took her shopping for clothes and basically everything a teenage girl needs.

It was quite fun, I always enjoyed helping Keltie and my mom shop for things. Brendon seemed to enjoy himself too.

We stopped by a mall in some random town and ran excitedly inside. We rarely got reconized so we didnt worry about going "in cognito" or whatever.

We stopped in the first store, which was Belks, and searched for clothes first.

It was odd, shopping for her. She seemed to have trouble grasping the fact that she didn't have to worry about money, or going over her limit. She acted like she was always spending too much.

She nervously bit her lip as we headed for the check out counter with Jon's arms drapped in clothing and Brendon next to him tossing things onto Jon's body whenever he saw something 'cute'.

"Are you sure its not too much?"She asked, almost pleadingly. I sighed.

"No, even if it was it wouldnt matter, were like your legal gaurdians now and we can buy you whatever we want."I stated simply. Brendon retorted with an indiginated 'yeah' and stuck out his tounge.

"Girls are more fun then dudes to shop for anyways!"Brendon announced as we stopped at a directory outside of Belks.

"Like shopping for Ryans birthday is sooooo boring."He rolled his eyes and pointed to a Journeys.

I pouted and looked at him, offended.

"Wha? Why?"I questioned. He gave me a look.

"You never want anything fun, its always, 'oh I dont know, just a shit or something.'"He continued.

"One day,"He wagged his bag free hand,"Im going to buy you something really awesome, and throw away the reciet so you have to keep it!"He said as we filed into the shoe store.

I glanced down at Mallory's face to see her gazing around the store. I raised my eyebrow.

"You dont come here often?"I stated more then asked. She shook her head silently, walking off to the mens side of the store, probably by accident.

Luckily Brendon grabbed her shoulder laughing.

"Wrong side Mallibu, come on, lets buy some new kicks!"He joked directing her to other side of the store where womens shose were kept.

I stayed by the door with Spencer and Jon while watching Brendon and Mallory look at the wall of shoes, every now and then Brendons hand pointing up to another pair, causing the worker to go into the back and bring out another box for her to try on.

"You know Brendon really likes her."Spencer said after a while, causing me to jump a little.

I nodded though.

"Yeah, yeah he does. He likes having someone to take care of, I think. He's usually the one we have to watch, so maybe its just the fact that he's just like a thirteen year old girl, or maybe he likes the responsibility of being a, uh, a parent."I said aloud, not taking my eyes off the two.

I saw Spencer nod silently out of the corner of my eye.

"Could be both."He admitted when they walked back over with three boxes of shoes.

Brendon was grinning like and idiot.

"Ones for me!"He exclaimed pulling out a pair of green and yellow nikes. I rolled my eyes.

"You have more shoes then Keltie does."I told him, sighing at his feministic traits.

We were now carrying five bags of clothes and the three shoeboxes when we walked by the AT&T store.

I slowed to a stop in front of it, and nudged Brendon.

He looked confused as I nodded towards the store, and even when I pointed inside.

I rolled my eyes.

"Guys come on, lets go in here."I finally said, catching everyone elses attention.

Brendon laughed. "Oh, oops."

Brendon walked over to Jon, who was alreadt carrying two bags, and held out his hands.

"Here you go Jonald!"And he dropped the other bags into his arms and ran over with Mallory, Spencer, and I.

"Yeah okay! Ill just wait here!"Jon called from the door. Brendon just waved at him and smiled.

The four of us were standing in front of a wall of cell phones, deciding which one to get.

I had my fist resting under my chin, Brendon was biting his nail, Mallory was twirling a peice of hair, and Spencer was actually stroking his beard. Which of course, caused Brendon to bust out in laughter.

"What?"Spencer said, clearly suprised. "Dude, you were stroking your beard!"I said, grinning.

He blushed and crossed his arms, embarressed.

"Whatever."He mumbled.

"C'mon guys, I rea-"She started to oblidge but I held up my hand.

"Shhh, were getting you a new phone, right now. M'kay?"I said, fluttering my eyelashes. She sighed and crossed her arms, signalling defeat.

"Why are you so uptight about money anyways? Your not even old enough to drive yet."Spencer asked her.

She looked at the ground and brushed some hair into her face.

"We used to be like, really poor, so I never really went shopping for new clothes, or jeez, super nice cell phones. Im not used to this."She admitted, twirling her hair again.

"Oh."Was all Spencer replied, looking embarresed again. Brendon patted her back.

"Well, if your not going to pick on out, I will."He warned. She just nodded and looked back up.

We left the mall with the five bags of clothes, shoes, purple sidekick, Nightmare before Christmas blanket for her bunk, and a bunch of glow in the dark stickers. Sor some reason.

Oh and we had to buy, girl, things. Which was super awkward. She demanded that she go in and get them even though Spencer and I were forced to do it sometimes back home.

I was pretty sure Brendon wouldve died though.

But, I digress.

We were happy, and that was that.
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I love this story sososo much :3
i just like writing shopping scenes c: shoot me.
and this is not the end! i just couldnt think of a good chapter ending -_-