Status: Slow-ish Active

The Pretty.Odd. Love Child

There's a story at the bottom of this bottle.

She was laying spread eagle on the floor of the lounge that night after our performance in Daytona that day.

She had hung out with most of Cobra starship, i.e. Victoria, Gabe, and Nate, at the beach all day seeing as they werent playing and we wanted her to do something besides watch the same bands every single day.

But of course, karma had to get us back for leaving her with them.

So there she was, covered head to toe basically in sunburn and apparently, a migrane.

We didn't knew she got those but she told us they happened a lot and werent a big deal.

"Im not one to complain but, damn, everything hurts."She announced after trying to get up.

Brendon threw a couch pillow at her, frowning. "Stop swearing, you can swear when you turn fourteen."He told her, laughing at her reaction of having a pillow on top of her.

Which kind of sounded like a bucnh of swear words cut off in the middle and then some 'ow's in between them as well. Brendon pouted and got up to help her off the floor.

"Aww, Im sorry Mallibu."He admitted, pulling her off the ground.

She sighed and closed her eyes as she plopped down into the recliner, wincing as she did so.

"Ryan?"She asked, eyes still closed. I looked up from my book and raised an eyebrow.


"Can I have another advil?"She pleaded, we had already gave her two, which was the maximum does for six hours. I shook my head.

"We can't, youve already had two. I dont want to dope you up too badly kiddo."I told her, feeling sorry for her. She looked like she was in a lot of pain.

I made a face.

"Why dont you go to bed? It's dark and colder in there, yeah?"I suggested, setting my book down on the coffee table. She nodded silently and slowly stood up from her seat and made her way back to the bunks.

Brendon stodd up quickly with a look on his face.

"Mall?You okay?"I called, worried.

She was now out of site, but we could still hear her.

"Yeah, yeah, Im fine."Her voice trailed away before a crash and a deafening thump echoed through the bus.

"Oh my god."Brendon whispered, racing back to the bunks.

We had our driver pull over and Jon call the ambulence.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I feel like barney right now because everything im currently wearing is purple. I have my gabe saporta hoodie, ecu shorts, and a paramore shirt. but yeah,
I obvisoully skipped around here and i gave her sunburn because i got really bad s-burn today. but obv not with gabe and nate. :P
And yeah, super short but i dont feel like writing write now