Change of Heart


Abby smiled as she and Jasper reached the edge of the forest, if they moved ten more feet forward then they would be in her brother's back yard. She felt Jasper clutch on to her hand tighter, as he pulled her in close to him and wrapped his arms around her.

"I remember watching you out here-- You was sitting right there. . ." He said pointing to her brother's patio set. "and I watched you sing, as soon as I heard your angelic voice, I knew I was in trouble." Jasper said chuckling.

Abby smiled at Jasper, and clutched onto the piece of paper in her hand harder. Could she actually do this? Could she disappear away from her brother forever? Could she leave behind her shoulder to cry on? Could she let her mom think that she was dead? So many questions were running through her mind; she knew she couldn't answer them. There wasn't a answer, this wasn't a choice-- she had to say goodbye. This was the only way to keep Jasper's family-- her family's secret safe. She inhaled deeply and nodded her head towards Jasper, they then started walking towards the back of the house, from there they were going to climb up and sneak into her window.

Once they were inside the room, Abby looked around. Everything was the same as she remembered, maybe just a tad bit more dusty. She smiled as she saw a picture of her family sitting on her night stand. She was very young in the photo, as was Adam. It was taken before her father died. She was sitting on his shoulder's. She frowned, as she remembered him. Her memories since she had become a vampire weren't nearly as vibrant as when she was a human, but she could still remember. She ran her finger tip over the picture slowly and then turned her attention to the bed, where her guitar was laying. She smiled weakly, and took the piece of paper and started to unfold it. She placed it on the guitar and then looked around the room for a few more minutes. Everything seemed so empty. The burning in her throat was growing quickly-- she assumed it was because Adam, and possibly even Becky was only two or three rooms down snoozing away, having no idea that she was there.

Abby looked around the room, and allowed her eyes to fall on her book shelf. The bottom of it to be exact. She spotted a purple photo-album. An album that contained every picture she cared about. It contained the ones of her father, her brother, and her mother. She slowly walked over and picked it up; remaining as quiet as possible. Adam didn't even know she had brought the album, or even had it for that matter, so he would never know it was missing. She wanted to take it-- so a hundred years from now she could look at it and remember her loving caring family. Her brother, who was her shoulder to cry on and her support system in every way possible, her loving mother who may have distanced herself, but never forgot to show her love, and her father who passed away too early, but always lived in her heart.

She looked up at Jasper and slowly nodded her head, signaling that she was ready to go. The two of them slowly descended from the window, and disappeared into the forest to return home.

Adam raised up out of the bed when he heard a clicking noise. It sounded like a door shutting. He tossed the covers off his body and smiled over at his fiance-- he had proposed to Becky earlier that night, she was wearing the ring with honor. He wished his sister could have been around to see her face when he dropped to one knee in the kitchen, while she was slaving over a stove.

Abby's beautiful face popped into his mind. He thought about her everyday. Something inside of him nagged that she was still alive-- and out there, living life somehow. He slowly walked down the hall way. He pushed open her bed room door and glanced inside. Her computer was still on the desk. Her school books were scattered in the corner. Her make-up was in the corner of the room, piled in the floor beside her vanity. He glanced over at the bed and saw her guitar laying across the silk sheets. He scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion as he saw something white laying on the guitar. He walked over and looked down at a note. It was a song, he read it quietly to himself.

Once he finished, there were tears streaming out of his eyes. Was this some kind of sick joke? It couldn't be-- it was Abby's handwriting, and at the bottom she signed it

"love always,
your little sister,

He didn't know what to think. He had always been a believer of the super natural-- but not when it came to his little sister. The song had basically told him that she was okay, and was in a better place now, and for him to move on and have a happy life without her. He clutched the note in his hand as he walked back into his bedroom, tears still streaming from his eyes. Becky was waking up when he walked back into the room, she raised up out of the bed and could see the tears coming out of his eyes, she panicked.

"Adam! Are you okay? Baby, what's wrong?" She ask. He just handed her the note; she read it, and by the end she was also in tears.
"Where did you find this?" She whispered
"Laying on her guitar." He said.

Adam slowly laid back down, and moved Becky into his arms. He kissed the crown of her head.

"Abby's fine. . . She's okay." He said with a weak smile.

That was the hardest thing Abby had ever done in her life, but it also was probably one of the best things she had ever done. That gave Adam closure-- gave her closure. She linked hands with Jasper as they walked into the Cullen household. Carlisle smiled over at them.

"How did it go?" He questioned.
"Good." Abby said with a weak smile.
"Are we leaving soon?" She ask.
"Yes-- my last day is Friday." Carlisle said, "Everyone is going beside Edward. . . He'll stay behind until next month when Bella graduates." Carlisle said.

Abby nodded her head. She knew she and Jasper would need to pack up their things.

"Where are we moving to?" She questioned.
"Maine sounds good-- we haven't been there in a long time." Carlisle said with a smile.
"Maine it is." Abby said smiling as she walked up the stairs to get a head start on packing, Jasper stayed down stairs with Carlisle.
"Are you thinking about asking her?" Carlisle questioned.
"I don't know. . . isn't it kind of rushed?" He said.
"You don't have to, Jasper-- You have all of eternity to do so." Carlisle said smiling.

Jasper wanted Abby to be his wife-- he loved her more than anything, but part of him still didn't know if she was prepared to take that step in their relationship. He would crumble if she rejected him. He sighed, next week they would be moving to a new state, and he still had a big decision to make.
♠ ♠ ♠
ONE MORE CHAPTER TO GO-- Then I'll be doing another Edward story :)

I couldn't find the right song to describe what Abby was trying to say, nor am I good at writing songs. So, I'm sorry that a song wasn't available.
