Fear and Courage

Fear and Courage

The floorboards creaked and groaned with each unwilling step.

Dust, that had not been disturbed in centuries, floated down from the rotted wooden rafters. The air was cold and seeping with misery.

Deaths presence drenched the halls.

Sweat trickled down the nape of a girl’s neck as she preceded, full of fear, toward the large double door at the end of the hallway.

It beckoned her, and she came.

As if drawn in by a rope about her waist.

Pulled against her will, her feet, with each step hesitated.

Her mind screamed for her to run, the other way, and her heart beat like a feeble
hummingbirds wings.

Still she drew nearer.

Nearer that door which haunted her dreams.

Nearer and nearer.

Only a couple of paces away now it stood looming.

“Come, Come, Come, to me now” demanded the voice inside her head, the voice that commanded her when she slept and when she was awake to do things, oh horrid things.

Her hand was on the handle now; it was ice cold to her burning touch.

“Turn it” the voice, full of authority, said to her.

She shook, her hand still clasped around the handle, she shook with such fear she was sick with it.

“Are you scared my pet?”

The voice spoke with a mocking laugh that sounded in the girl’s ears over and over again.

She nodded her head then started to shake it.

“No, not afraid my dear pet, then turn the handle and come to me come stay with me forever”

She trembled and continued to shake her head back and forth in short jerky movements.

“NOW!” the voice screamed.

The girl looked at her hand on the handle and spoke “Never.”

It was almost a whisper originating from between her chapped lips.

“What??!!” The voice sounded shrill.

“Never again will you control me, never again will you keep hold of my mind, and never again will you hurt those I love through me.

” With each word her voice grew in strength.

She turned the handle and flung the door open.

It was pitch black, she grabbed one of the torches that flickered on the wall beside the door and stepped into the dark chanting “Never, never, never.”

This fight had only just begun.

Her fear still hung in the air, an almost tangible thing, but she could conquer it along with the monster of her waking nightmares.
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I dont know this is meant to be a short story, like this being the only chapter but if you guys like it enough and tell me too I could probably write more on it!
