Sunsets to Sunrises

I Miss You

My eyes bolted open in the middle of the night from my nightmare

“Daisy! Daisy!” I shook her as much as I could in my tired state, “wake up!”

“What is it Maddie?” Asked Daisy, automatically reaching to wipe away tears, even though they hadn’t emerged yet.

“I had that dream again.”

“Oh,” was all she replied; this was not the first time my mind had replayed that part. It was the moment in my life I wanted to forget, yet I somehow couldn’t let it go.

“Why did he do that?” Daisy looked surprised at my question.

I never wanted to talk about what happened. I preferred to shut it away, hoping that somehow it would go away. But it never did.

“I mean,” I said, trying to make myself clearer when Daisy wasn’t answering, “why did he not go after me?”

“I don’t know, Maddie.” Daisy looked at me with loving eyes. “But something that I do know is that Kennedy regrets it. All of it. He loves you, Maddie. I think that when you said that to Kennedy he was just overwhelmed.”

“So overwhelmed that he had to go and shag some other chick?” I asked, rhetorically. Now I was in hysterics. I felt like I had literally just told Kennedy that I loved him. That he had just left me. It had just happened all over again.

“Calm down, Maddie! Whoa, chill, it was just a dream.”

I told myself to cool down inside - the last thing I needed was to get worked up over Kennedy merely days before going on tour with him.

I swallowed hard and then said, “I miss him, Daisy.”

She looked at me a little confused. “Jake, you mean.”

“Yea,” I replied, not meaning him at all.
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I'm so sorry, i totally didn't reolize how short this chapter was!!
ill try to remember to post the next one really soon

thank you to the new subscribers and for the loverly comments you left! :D
much appreciated!