Sunsets to Sunrises

Way Away

[Kennedy’s POV]
I looked around the van. Everyone was asleep, energizing themselves before the show in a couple of hours. I looked at the bash board - it was 5:20. We’d get at the venue in a couple minutes with only an hour to tech; somehow. I sighed at put my head on Jared’s shoulder. There was no use pondering over Maddie.


“Man!” Garrett yelled, jumping up and down, his hands on Pat’s shoulders. “That was tight!”

Everyone was stoked, even me. That was one of the best shows we’d ever played.

“Dude, where’s the party tonight?” John asked Daisy before embracing her.
I shuddered slightly on the inside; seeing their open and passionate love for each other tore me up. It tore me to know I could have had that with Maddie. Instead Maddie was giving all the other guys hugs and kisses in congratulations. Then I noticed. Her hand was laced through someone else’s. It certainly wasn’t Jake’s and not mine.

“Maddie!” I said, smiling a little, “don’t I get a congratulations?”

“Don’t you wish!” She retorted, but gave me a little hug anyways.

That’s different. Maddie hasn’t come in half a foot of me for at least a year. My heart whirled a little knowing that things were looking up.

“Hey, man!” They guy who was holding Maddie’s hand said.

“Ryan!!” I practically yelled, pulling my hair in excitement. “Bro! Oh, my god! What are you doing here?”

Ryan smiled back at me before pulling me into a hug. “Dude, I live in Ohio now. Heard that you were playing in my domain, so I had to check it out.” He smiled exuberantly at me again. “Plus, you know, the scenery isn’t too bad over here.” Ryan winked at me before kissing the top of Maddie’s head. Maddie looked up at him with an embarrassed smile, her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

I remember when I used to make her do that. “You two know each other?” I managed to ask.

“Um,” Ryan looked down at Maddie when she didn’t answer, “yea, we sort of had a bit of a thing once.”

“What?” I was completely aghast. I thought that Maddie had gone right from me to Jake. That night she found me I didn’t see her until school started again and she was always walking around with him, Jake.

“Kennedy, did you think I just hopped right from you to Jake?” She had that little smile, the one she makes when she can’t believe someone didn’t understand. “You and I. We, we. It ended at the beginning of the summer. I didn’t even meet Jake until August.”

Maddie left my mouth hanging open in the shape of an O.

“Well, see ya around, then, man,” Ryan held his hand up in a wave before walked away, his thumb hooked through Maddie’s far belt loop on her grey skinny jeans.
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I was so bored and i just want to get this story finished!!!!