Sunsets to Sunrises

It Wouldn't Hurt, Too Much

I took another sip of my drink. I’d lost track of what number I was on. My body was feeling disconnected, no longer working in unison. I stood beside Garrett who was talking to some girl named Rachael he’d met that night. I looked around for someone else to talk to.
My hazy eyes looked up across the club and fixated themselves instinctively on Maddie. Maddie and her attachment, Ryan, that is. They were all over each other. And if my judgement was right, even if I were sober, I’d say Maddie wouldn’t ever let Jake do that stuff to her.

[Maddie’s POV]

I closed my eyes and pushed my body harder into Ryan’s. He let out a soft, long moan.

“Maddie,” Ryan whispered to me, “I don’t remember you being this aggressive.”

“Me neither!” I replied, continuing to kiss him. “Want to go back to the bus?”

Ryan just smiled and put his hand in mine. “Of course, love.”

Before we left I looked back to make sure Kennedy didn’t see us; I was lucky. His head was turned, looking the opposite way, talking to Garrett.

I tugged off Ryan’s pants from his skinny body. He wrapped his arms around me and we just stood there, hugging each other, Ryan’s pants around his ankles. Ryan kissed the top of my head when he heard me crying.

“Why are you doing this to yourself?” Ryan asked me, pulling my head up from his chest.

I sniffed and wiped away some tears. Without a reply I dropped to my knees and looked up at Ryan.

He shook his hair and tousled his already messy long hair. “Whatever you want, babe.”

I meekly smiled at him before tugging down his boxers. I opened my mouth and pressed it against him. My eyes were closed when I felt Ryan’s hands on the back of my head, pressing it harder against him. Eventually I drew my head away, before he came out, and ran my lips lightly up his stomach. When I reached his mouth I traced my tongue along his bottom lip until this mouth opened, letting me inside. Our tongues danced with each other, in and out of his mouth and mine.

“Maddie,” Ryan panted, regretfully pulling away. He kissed my neck feverishly whilst running his and up and down my back, underneath my white V neck. He took his hands away from my back and ran them down to my uppermost thighs and pulled me up for him to carry.

Ryan carried me over towards the bunks, biting at my collarbone. That was when my eyes bolted opened in a flashback of horrible memories. I looked at the top of Ryan’s head before pulling his face away from my collar bone and into my face. I kissed him, but a face appeared in my mind that wasn't Ryan's. I opened my eyes from the shock of my sudden epiphany.
"I can't go this far, Ryan," my words coming our slurred, but making perfect sense in my head.
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:P i've got some new readers! how are you liking it?
and, i'll give you some SERIOUS mad props if you can guess what song my title is from
DON'T GOOGLE IT OR RAID YOUR iTUNES! i want it from memory for the hardcore ppl :D

Slow Motion is may come off hiatus soon - i've only gotten one new comment though. and it's so close to being finished! seriously, you're killing me! (thank you to the people who comment, i love youu!)

and a lot of ppl are saying mean things about Kennedy. don't. you'll regret it.