Sunsets to Sunrises

Cut Me Off

I woke up with the person I loved most in the world lying across from me. Maddie was still asleep, lying there so peaceful. She let out a little sigh and licked her lips before her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning.”

Maddie greeted me with a tiny one sided smile, rolling over the face away from me.

I barely had time to wake up before I heard Garrett yelling at the us.

“Finally!” He said, throwing his hands up in the air, “Jeez, what the hell took you two so long?” I looked around the van, seeing that Maddie and I were the only two left in it.

"Sound check in two hours, bro. We’re all heading out to Panera Bread for some breakfast. Word.” Garrett left the van, leaving Maddie and I alone together.

“So, um,” I said awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. I looked over to Maddie, who's facial expression showed nothing but displeasure from our unfortunate situation.

Oh, I want you, I know I need you,” I Want You by Savage Garden sang from Maddie’s phone. She looked at her phone before flipping it open, her face lighting up at the sight of the caller’s name.

“Hey Ryan,” Maddie said in a flirty voice, plugging her ear unoccupied with her phone.

“Fuck,” I muttered underneath my breath. Just when I had some alone time with Maddie, some time to hopefully get all our feelings out there, something has to interrupt.

“So, eh, lets go for lunch then?” Maddie said when she got back from her chat with Ryan.

“Erm,” I responded. Secretly, I just wanted to spend the day here, in the van, lying with Maddie. “I guess so.”

“Awesome.” Maddie responded, with the lowest amount of enthusiasm she could muster.

“So, you two decided to join us,” John commented, giving me a strange look. Maddie, though, left my side quickly to sit next to Jared.

“So, whatcha going to get?” He asked, putting an arm around her. Maddie tilted her head into the crease of Jared’s shoulder and looked up at him.

“I dunno.” If I didn’t know any better, I’d have said she was flirting with him. Rage filled me. I clenched my fists under the table, trying to not let it show on my face. But I think it did.

Maddie looked at me puzzled. “Chill, Kennedy,” she said, under her breath so no one else noticed.


I turned my gaze away from Kennedy and looked up at Jared and smiled, trying to get the thoughts of my phone call with Ryan out of my mind.

“Hey, Ryan! How are you?”

“Fine. Um, listen. Are you sitting down?”

“No. Why?”

“Oh. Well, I can’t wait for you Maddie. I’m so sorry. . .er. . .something came up?”

“What do you mean something came up? You said that you would wait for me! Ryan! We..I..”

“I know. I remember what we..what you did. I don’t regret any of it. Don't get all worked up, baby, chill. Somethings aren't meant to be, you know? I'm sorry.”

“But . . .why?”

“Maddie. I’m sorry - there is no use. I don’t want to be with you any more.”

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on what was happening in the present and not letting my mind wander to what Ryan had said. Not to let my mind wander, over think our conversation. Let myself believe that there had been a girlish voice talking in the background. That Ryan had been muttering for someone to 'stop it.' My eyes snapped open, no longer wanting to overthink

“Thanks Daisy,” I said, as she placed my food in front of me.

“No problem!” she answered back as she slid onto John’s lap. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing her food and taking a big bite.

“Hey!” Daisy squealed, trying to grab her food back.

“Only if you give me a kiss,” John taunted, holding the food up high, out of Daisy’s reach.

“Fine,” she said, trying to look sad, obviously resisting a smile. She placed a kiss on John’s lips before he handed her food back. “Thanks.”

“No, thank you.”

I lowered my eyes, my thoughts retreating to the mere days earlier when I’d been lazing around, cuddling with Ryan. My thoughts then retreated further to the months prior, making out with Jake. Tears rolled out from my eyes. No! I told myself, you are stronger then this.

I looked up to see all the guys looking at me, Daisy reaching for my hand and Jared tightened his hold on me a little.

“J-J-Jake,” was all I said. Daisy quickly got off John and pulled me up, helping me walk to the washroom.

“Are you alright? You know, Maddie, it’s good to have a cry once and a while. You’ve been so strong!” She was trying to cheer me up, but it wasn’t working.

I let my body slouch down against the bathroom wall and slide to the floor. “Why did that have to happen?” I muttered, referring to both Jake and Ryan's sudden departure. I took in a deep, shaky breath before looking at Daisy, forcing a smile.

“Maddie, did anyone ever tell you what really happened with Kennedy?” she said, suddenly.

“What?” I was totally confused by both her statement and change of subject. Instantly, I assumed she was talking about the night we ended it. I’d never understood he did that, but never questioned it. I’d always assumed he was just an ass.

“He didn’t want to have sex with that girl, you know.”

“What?!” I was hysterical now. I stood up, and brushed myself off. “Tell me!”

“Calm down and I’ll tell you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohh! cliff hanger!
haha. i know i said i'd update the next day, but I always wait until all of my subscribers (or the amount of readers is the same as subscribers) before updating
So here it is!!
thank you for the comments, they where lovely, but you needn't stop!! haha.