Sunsets to Sunrises

Days of the Old

{no pov}

Kennedy paced back and forth on the back deck of John’s house, sipping on his Mickey like it was water. His eyes closed, his head tilted back, letting the clear liquid slide down his throat. He exhaled, preventing any burning in his throat and stumbled over to the edge of the porch, where a girl, Tiffany, sat.

Kennedy looked worriedly back to the house, only to see Jake and his friends through the window, throwing their fists in the air, shouting, cheering him on. He continued his stumbling until he was awkwardly sitting with his arm around Tiffany. Her head turned toward his and, before they could make eye contact, her lips were on his. There was nothing shy or innocent about it. She forced her tongue into his mouth, her nails scraping the back of Kennedy’s neck.

She pulled herself away from Kennedy and gave him a look that could only be described as ‘bedroom eyes.’ Her hand reached for his; she pulled Kennedy up and lead him inside and up the stairs to a room in Tim’s house. She let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kennedy’s hands remained at his sides, his mouth not moving. Soon enough Tiffany had taken off his shirt, her own as well. Kennedy closed his eyes, hoping to stop the room from spinning. Once he opened them he was lying down on the bed, Tiffany shirtless on top of Kennedy, his pants and underwear discarded on the floor.

“Whaa,” was all Kennedy said before his mouth was covered up with Tiffany’s.

Kennedy closed his eyes, again. This still didn’t feel right for him. He shouldn’t have left Maddie, let alone be doing this.

“I-” Kennedy started, but a finger was placed over his mouth by an outstretched arm of Tiffany’s, who was now down around his waist. Kennedy was numb - from the alcohol and realization of what he’d done to the person he cared about most - but he knew what she was doing.

Tiffany came back up, level with Kennedy. He put his hands on her hips, about to pull her off and find Maddie, to stop this craziness.

“Oh,” Kennedy looked up at the doorway to see Maddie standing there, tears forming in her eyes. Just as he did this he could feel Tiffany push herself against him, a moan escaping from her mouth.

At that, Maddie ran off, just before Kennedy could say, “I love you, too.”

end of flashback

I on sat on the floor of the washroom, Daisy’s hand in mine. “So.” She started.

“Hurry!” I said, urging her to tell me. “And how do you know this? You were so wasted that night.”

“I know, but John gave me a full recount. It was all Jakes fault. I don’t know how he managed to make Kennedy believe him. But Kennedy got really drunk, like he does when he’s upset. All he was talking about, apparently, was that he messed up. The he shouldn’t have left you. But Jake liked you then. He wanted to get Kennedy out of the picture forever. There was this girl who had been practically clinging to Kenny then entire night. But he’d been paying no attention. But, damn. Kennedy was wasted. I’ve never seen him drink so much! Anyways, Jake got talking to Kennedy. Telling him that you were there, at the party. He said that he saw you making out with another guy. That you’d gone ‘upstairs’ with him. Of, course, Kennedy didn’t believe him. But Jake got his friends in on it, casually asking Kennedy if he knew what you were doing. Eventually, Kenny started to believe them. Jake and his friends kept edging him on, trying to make him frustrated with you. They hold him to go and fuck her because it would make him feel better. Anywho, he gave in to them, Jake and his friends, and went upstairs with her. I don’t know what he was thinking, but I know that he defiantly didn’t want to do it, er, her.”

It took me a moment to take in all the information that Daisy had given me. So Kennedy wasn’t entirely at fault. I mean, if I had been in that situation, my actions wouldn’t have been much different. And then there was the other side of it. What Jake had done. My Jake. My memory of him tainted forever.

I looked at Daisy, her face concerned. “Alright,” was all I said. I swallowed and got up. Daisy and I walked back out to our table with everyone else.

“You ok?” Jared asked me as I sat next to him again, my head leaning on his chest.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

I looked at Kennedy. Now I could see him in a new light.
♠ ♠ ♠
and now you, after 18 chapters, know the wholeee story.
I'm going to be writing, by the way, a Curtis Ward story with a friend and a sequel to my Pat Kirch story, Holding Our Breath While We Touch, so if you haven't read it, do so!
(it's the first story I wrote, so I don't think my writing is that good, and i'm not too fond of the ending, but just get yourself updated because i"ve got big plans for the sequel)