Sunsets to Sunrises

Grow Up and Blow Away


“Alright, guys! Ready?” John called just before the show. I ran over to him with Pat, Garrett and Jared already with John at the side of the stage.

“Ready? One, two, one two three,”

“We like to party,” we all begun to sang, our pre show ritual. The Vengaboys weren’t really a band we aspired to be like. At all, for a matter of fact. But the lyrics seemed fitting. “We like, we like to party. We like to party. We like, we like to party. Whoaaaaho!” We all threw our hands in the air before eventually dispersing back around the venue for the few minutes we had to collect ourselves before going onstage.

“No screw ups this time, Brock,” John pointed at me.

I nodded my head seriously before John broke into a smile and gave my head a tap. “Just teasin’” he said just as we walked onstage.

“How are y’all doin’ tonight?” John yelled into his mic. I smiled; I couldn’t help it, there was so much energy coming off the crowd. I could feel that tonight was going to be a good show.

“Reach out, touch someone, so catch me if you can.” We were in the middle of our third song, Count ‘Em One Two Three. I was doing amazing, so mess ups - yet. “Reach out, touch someone. Touch me.”

“Reach out,” a feminine voice began from the side of the stage closest to me, “touch someone, so catch me if you can.” I turned my head a little to see Maddie walk past me, her eyes intently fixated on John. My stomach felt unnerved when she walked past me, her light scent of perfume clinging to me. That’s when it started. I first missed a cord. That was all. Somehow I finished the song without totally butchering it.

Thankfully, John whispered something to Maddie, causing her to walk off stage, the side opposite to mine. Phew, I thought, already feeling my body lose tension, now I can play for real.

“Alright, kids,” John yelled. “This is our last song. It’s a new one. I wrote it a while ago. It’s about my amazing girlfriend. It’s called Daisy.”

I smiled as I looked over at Daisy who was sobbing into Maddie’s shoulder, this being the first time John had ever mentioned anything about her song.

Once the song was over Daisy dashed on stage, wrapping her arms and legs around John. “I love you so much,” she quickly whispered into his ear before placing a kiss on his cheek. I stared at the two enviously, wishing that it were me and Maddie.

I glanced over to Maddie again, who was at Jared’s side, giving him a big hug. What does she suddenly see in him? I just sighed and shook my head as I walked off stage.

It’s useless. Obviously Maddie wanted nothing to do with me. I slouched my shoulders in defeat and walked off the stage, leaving Maddie with Jared. Maybe, I thought, it’s time to finally get over that girl.


“Ee!,” I squealed at Jared, “you boys were amazing tonight!” I have him a big hug of congratulations, feeling exceptionally happy (possibly having something to do with the morning’s events).

I pulled Jared in closer and whispered to him, “Daisy told me, this morning, what really happened with Kennedy. How come no one ever told me?” I pulled away and looked Jared in the eyes, catching the image of Kennedy walking off stage in my peripherals.

“What? You didn’t know?” Jared looked totally in shock, “damn. Well, fuck - this makes us look like bad friends. I mean, I think the guys always assumed that Kennedy, or Jake, told you. It wasn’t really our place to say anything.”

“Yea, I guess so.” I was less disappointed with Jared and the rest of the boys after he pointed this out. I mean, who wanted to get in the middle of their friend’s relationship problems? It was only logical to assume Kennedy had told me - only he hadn’t. He hadn’t because I’d refused to listen to anything he had to say.

Weeks after I walked in on Kennedy cheating on me, he’d called me once a week. Every Wednesday afternoon, actually. He’d call and apologize. He’d start to say something like “just let me explain,” but I never let him get any farther. Eventually I started to not pick up my phone on Wednesday afternoons, not wanting to hear what he had to say - to hear the pathetic excuse I’d assumed he had. It never crossed my mind that Kenny had a valid alibi.

“Hey, Maddie?” Jared waved a hand in front of my face, snapping me back into reality.

“I’ll see you later, Jared,” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, “there is someone I need to talk to.”

I ran off stage, leaving Jared confused, to find the boy I’d wrongfully neglected for too long.
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so, I've actually been working on this story a whole lot lately.
It was originally 20 chapters, but I felt like it was getting rushed
Soooo now it's like 23. . .
whoo for the new subscribers.
how are you liking it?