Sunsets to Sunrises

Let Me Back Into Your Arms

[Kennedy’s POV]
I stared at the most beautiful girl just walk away from me for what seemed like the millionth time. I’d had that girl once, but I’d messed up bad. A few months before Jake moved to Scottsdale Maddie and I had been together. It happened the summer between sophomore year and junior. It had been going great. Better than great; it was surreal. But then I fucked it all up. So bad that I could never have her again.

“Man, Kenny? Hello?” Garrett waved a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my nightmarish reminiscence.

“Oh, hey, sorry dude. So, what are you going to get?” I tried to divert the conversation away from Maddie, even though I knew it was useless.

“Kenny’s in love,” Pat childishly taunted me, playfully hitting the back of my head.

“Shut it alright, man?” I scratched the back of my neck a bit in irritation as I watched Maddie get into a car and drive off with the biggest douche bag to ever walk the planet.

“I don’t understand why Maddie’s with Jake.”

Garrett stopped talking, mid-order, and just looked at me. “Are you for serious? How many times have we gone over this? Maddie has no idea what Jake really is, and she will probably never know. Just leave it alright. Move on.” Garrett resumed making his order, his mind leaving the subject of Maddie.

I, however, still thought about her. In fact, Maddie pretty much dominated his head. Whenever a girl did something he thought was cute, he realized that he liked it because I would be a tendency or habit that Maddie had. I’m in love, to say the least. In love with Maddie since the spring before high school, when she moved to Arizona.

At first it was just a little crush. A kindergarten crush. I thought she was cute and she thought I was cute. We went to dances together and hung out, too young to actually do anything. But in the June after grade 10 something finally did happen. She was down at the harbor skipping stones, or something like that. The exact details of what happened before are fuzzy. But what we actually did was clear as day. I rode my bike down to say hi and she kissed me. Just like that. I’d been stuck on her ever since.

“You know,” Pat started to say as he sat down, munching on his burger, “Maybe, just maybe, if you hadn’t been such a horrible boyfriend you two would still be together.”

“I don’t think so.” My eyes wandered out the window, thinking about weather or not this was actually a possibility. Maybe if I hadn’t done what I did everything would be alright.

My mind rambled in and out of flashbacks from that night. All of the tears and lies and mistakes. The night that fucked everything up.
♠ ♠ ♠
so so so?
what do you think??
oh, i have an idea. what is going to happen next, ehhh??

I AM SO FLIPPING PUMPED FOR WARPED TOURfeedback/comments please?