Sunsets to Sunrises

Days Of The Old

[Kennedy's POV]
I paced quickly outside of the room where Maddie lay with the other boys. I was doing all I could to not tear up; all around me were people hugging and sharing their relief to see one another. Not me; Maddie was inside and I was out here, kicked out by the girl I wanted to be with most. Eventually I stopped pacing and slid down to the floor, my back leaning against the back of the door.

“Oh, Maddie,” I whispered, drawing circles on the door with my knuckles, “why can’t things be like they used to be?” I closed my eyes as a single tear fell onto my cheek and thought about that one night.

I drove up to Maddie’s house, ready to pick her up on the way to a party at John’s.

“dude, wen r u gonna b here?” my phone buzzed before I slid it open to read the new text from Daisy.

“soon - just getting maddie now.” I wrote back, putting my phone back in my back pocket.

“Hello, Kennedy,” Maddie’s mother greeted me. I liked her a lot; all of us did. She had Maddie when she was only sixteen, and she always seemed to treat us like equals rather then a bunch of kids. “Maddie’s upstairs in her room. I think she’s just about done getting ready, if you want to go up there to tell her to get a move on,” Mrs. West pointed to the stairs and up I went, towards Maddie’s room at the end of the hall.

I let myself out without even bothering with a knock. Maddie was sitting at her vanity, her back turned to me. She was putting a few Bobbie Pins in her hair, speakers blasting some Augustana so loud that she didn’t even notice me come in.

“Hey, you look so hot tonight,” I whispered into Maddie’s ear, wrapping my arms around her middle.

“Oh!” Maddie smiled in surprise, giving me a quick kiss, “what a great surprise,” she said whilst turning around in her chair so that we were face to face.

I looked at her, in her brilliant green eyes, a goofy grin plastered across my face. “You’re amazing, you know that right, Maddie?” I kissed her then, only lightly, my tongue tickling her bottom lips. I could feel her lips stretch into a smile, mirroring mine, under my mouth.

“You’re not so bad, yourself,” Maddie whispered back to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

I looked out her window and felt my face fill with a wave of embarrassed redness. “Hey,” Maddie pulled by face gently towards her and planted her lips, again, on mine. But it was not soft like that last one we shared. Not rough either. More, passionate.

I put my hands on her uppermost thighs and pulled her off her chair and against my body. I bite at Maddie’s collar bone whilst I carried her over to the bed. Maddie, all while, was quickly trying to undo my pants.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Maddie; she on top of me, sweaty and naked, looking sexy as hell. I lay underneath her, my hands holding her legs, precariously high up.

“Kennedy, of course,” Maddie soothed, pushing herself into me.

“Yo, Kennedy!” Jared yelled at me from inside Maddie’s room, snapping me out of my dream. “Maddie’s asleep, I think it’s safe for you to come in.”

I got up and rubbed my eyes, wishing my dreams were reality.
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Muahahaha. i got away from the augustana lyric titles!

oooohhhh. . . .you STILL don't know what happened!
damn, i'm so mean.
but you find out in. . .the next chapter.
sort of. you find out part of it, then in a coupla more you get to find out the rest.
subscribeee brahss