Sunsets to Sunrises

You Left Me

[Kennedy's POV]
I sat with my hand cupped around Maddie’s, trying to be as close to her as I could.

“Why do you still even try, Kenny?” Daisy asked me from where she sat, across the room on John’s lap. “Maddie’s so thick sometimes. She doesn’t realize that you’re a good person.”

“I know. But Jake’s gone. I’m all she’s got now.”

[Maddie’s POV]

When I woke from my sleep the only person left in the room was Daisy.

“Hey hun,” she said to me, smiled when she saw that I was awake.

“Hi. Where’s everyone?”

“They went out to grab some food for dinner at Chipotle. I think Pat mentioned something about getting food for you, as well. The boys, minus Kennedy I think, are going to head back here after.”

I looked at Daisy, seeming pleased. I tried my best to ignore the lump that grew in my stomach when Daisy mentioned that Kennedy wouldn’t be there. But I pushed it away, as far as I could, telling myself that he was a careless sub-human being that wasn’t worthy of my love or friendship.

“Awesome!” I smiled, still, at Daisy, “when, do you know, am I getting out of this place?”

“Your nurse said that we could leave after your test results get back - in a few minutes actually.”

I took in a deep, shaky breath. “Awesome, I’ll be able to do the show tonight then!” Daisy kissed my hand that she still held.

“Are you sure you’re up for it?”

“I’ve got people to sing for,” I replied, my IV liquid making me sleepy, and slid my eyes shut.

My body was crashing into Kennedy’s, my blood pulsing vibrantly through my veins. I could smell his sweet breath as he deeply inhaled and exhaled, so close to my face. Kennedy moved his hands up; all the way from their current position, in a line, up to the small of my back.

I pulled myself out of him and we just looked at each other. Kennedy, finally, ran his fingers through my hair and pulled my face in close to his.

“Kennedy,” I whispered.

“Yes?” Kennedy muttered between the kisses he was planting on my neck.

“I think. . .I think,” I started to say.

“You can tell me anything, Maddie,” Kennedy looked at me with his sincere, intense eyes, “anything.”

“Kennedy, I love you.”

Kennedy looked at me with a confused look, not responding.

“Kennedy? Kenny?” I started to cry and got up off Kennedy. “KENNY?” I eventually broke down in an angry and scared mess of tears. “What the fuck Kennedy?”

Kennedy was now picking his clothes up off the floor and getting dressed. Once he was finished he looked at me; the same confused fog still glazed over his eyes.

He opened his mouth as though he was going so say something. But he didn’t.

He just bit his lip and walked out of my room, leaving me there naked and heartbroken.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I was planning on being mean and making you all loverly readers/commenters wait another day so the horrible people (thats right - your horrible) who don't comment have to wait.
but i couldn't wait because you find out part of what happened!
haha. so stoked to hear what you have to say. and what do you think the other thing that happens that night is?